Sunday, February 19, 2017

Operation Rescue's Statement on the Passing of Pro-Life Icon Norma McCorvey

Contact: Troy Newman, President, 316-683-6790 ext. 111; Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President, 316-516-3034; both with Operation   


WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 18, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue is saddened to learn of the passing of Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" of the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade. McCorvey later converted to Christianity and became a strong pro-life advocate calling for the reversal of that decision, which decriminalized abortion in the United States. 

McCorvey was a long-time friend of Operation Rescue and lived for several months with the family of Operation Rescue President Troy Newman in Wichita, Kansas.

"I am deeply saddened at the loss of our dear friend Norma McCorvey. She spent the better part of the last 25 years working to undo the terrible Supreme Court decision that bears her name," said Newman. "Her work was not in vain. Norma became an inspiration for so many, and we at Operation Rescue work every day to achieve her goal of ending abortion in America."


Read this statement online.

About Operation Rescue® 

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Click here to support Operation Rescue. 

The Death of Roe

"O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory" (1 Corinthians 15:55)

Contact: Rev. Flip Benham, 980-722-4920; Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, 254-715-3134

WACO, Texas, Feb. 18, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Right after Norma McCorvey's conversion to Christ, she wrote, "I'm Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the Roe v. Wade decision that brought legal child killing to America. I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped, and needed an abortion. It was all a lie. Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave. Please, don't follow in my mistakes." 

Operation Rescue/Operation Save America is pleased to report that she did not go to the grave with that burden. She went to the grave with the salvation of her Lord. He took the burden, her debt of sin upon Himself and through His crucifixion and resurrection, redeemed Miss Norma's guilt-ridden soul. The old Norma died (Pre Roe) and a new Norma emerged (Post Roe).

When she struggled with the overwhelming guilt of her involvement with abortion, Rev. Flip Benham, who baptized her, gave her this reassuring Scripture, "I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." (Psalms 34:4, 5) 

Rev. Flip Benham, former National Director of OR/OSA, states, "The three people most instrumental in ushering us into the era of Roe v. Wade, Dr. Barnard Nathanson (founder of NARAL), Sandra Cano (Jane Doe of Doe v. Bolton), and Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade), are now all in the great cloud of witnesses cheering us on as we continue to fight for the lives of our Lord's precious preborn babies. All three lied or were lied to, to give us this damnable law. All three were sinners saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. All three, in their Christian years, did their very best to undo the lies that gave us Roe v. Wade. All three are today more alive than they have ever been. All three have run their lap of the race. It is our turn now! Good night for now Miss Norma - we will see you in the morning!"

Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, current National Director of OR/OSA states, "Looking back on how the Lord has used this ministry, we rejoice in the thousands of lives that have been spared, the souls that have been saved, like Miss Norma, and the many death camps that have been shut down. We pray the death of Roe (Miss Norma) prophetically signals the death of Roe vs. Wade. May the destroyer of men made in the image of God be destroyed in Jesus' mighty name!"

For those interested in Miss Norma's reflections, here is her poem called Empty Playgrounds. 

For her full story, check out her book Won by Love,  

Remembering a Champion of Personhood

Contact: Genevieve Wilson, Georgia Right to Life (GRTL), 404-285-4218


NORCROSS, Ga., Feb. 18, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) today honored the memory of Norma McCorvey, who went from being the face of the abortion movement to become a powerful pro-life advocate.


"Her conversion to Christianity lifted the veil hiding the lie at the heart of Roe v Wade and awakened her to the truth that a pre-born child is in fact a person and deserves constitutional protection," said GRTL President Ricardo Davis.


McCorvey, who died Saturday, was the Jane Roe in the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision. In that ruling, the court denied that a pre-born child is a person, thereby unleashing a holocaust that has claimed 60 million precious lives.


"She is proof that God changes hearts and makes people aware that slaughtering innocent children is evil and must be ended," Davis said.


Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century.