Saturday, June 20, 2009

Need Him Ministries Names Caralee Gurney as Director of Development

Need Him Ministries Names Caralee Gurney as Director of Development

DALLAS, June 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Need Him Ministries is pleased to announce the addition of Caralee Gurney to the staff as Director of Development. Gurney brings more than 15 years of marketing, development, and community relations experience to the ministry. A longtime Texas resident and a graduate of Baylor University with a BA in Journalism, Gurney sees this opportunity as a fulfillment of a calling to missions she experienced as a young teenager. "During youth camp at Glorietta, a Southern Baptist encampment in New Mexico, I sensed a strong urging from the Lord to be part of spreading the Gospel. I'm excited to continue my journey through developing the funds needed to further the mission of Need Him Ministries."

Drew Dickens, Executive Director of Need Him Ministries, commented, "We've been praying about adding a Director of Development for several months. We knew that the right person was out there and we believe that Caralee is just the person God has called to our staff."

Gurney's responsibilities will include seeking out and meeting with potential individuals and businesses that share a desire to reach the world for Christ. "I am an Army-brat and having lived around the globe. The idea of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all people using all forms of media and providing an opportunity for them to respond resonates in my spirit. I'm eager to start telling everyone I know about this amazing ministry!"

Her community involvement and prior professional experience will serve her well in this position. Gurney's professional résumé includes serving as the Community Educator for the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center, the president of Creative Concepts Marketing Group, and most recently Director of Development for Boys and Girls Clubs of Collin County. Gurney is an active member of the Junior League of Plano, a graduate of Leadership Plano, and serves on the public awareness subcommittee for the ABC Coalition in Collin County. Gurney and her husband, Jeff, and their son are members of Parkway Hills Baptist Church and make their home in Plano, TX.

Need Him Ministries began in 1996 as a partnership with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Campus Crusade for Christ, Moody Bible, and several other evangelical ministries. Need Him Ministries was created to provide an evangelism response strategy to enable anyone to speak live with a trained volunteer about how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. More than 1200 radio and television stations, billboards, and newspapers across the United States promote the special call-in number (888-NeedHIM) and website (

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