Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Andreas Klamm: In der Sache der Menschenrechte nicht immer ein guter Diplomat

Andreas Klamm: In der Sache der Menschenrechte nicht immer ein guter Diplomat

Journalist machte in Bezug auf die Verhaftung der französischen Journalistin Clotilde Reiss und der iranischen Journalistin Shiva Nazarahari der Iranischen Regierung „Führungs-Schwäche zum Vorwurf“ - nicht immer nur Freunde im Engagement für die Menschenrechte gewonnen – „U.S. Deserteur André Shepherd hat Preise und deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft verdient“

Von Tina Green

London / Berlin. 4. August 2009. Nur noch mit viel Verwunderung kann man die Vielzahl der schweren Vorwürfen gegen den französisch-deutschen Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten, Autor von sieben Büchern, Andreas Klamm zur Kenntnis nehmen. Ganz schnell wird auch für Menschen ohne kriminalistische Ausbildung erkennbar, dass die Vorwürfe falsch sind und dass an diesen Geschichten damals im Jahr 1999 und in den Jahren 2007, 2008 und zuletzt vor kurzem 2009 nichts dran sein kann

Die Arbeit von Autoren und Journalisten für die Menschenrechte ist nicht ohne Gefahren. Der Autor Hans-Jürgen Graf musste bereits mehrfach schwere Anfeindungen und Mord-Drohungen für sein Engagement für Soziales und Menschenrechte erleben. Für den 1. August 2009 rief er zum Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing auf. Die Journalistin Amy Goodman wurde in den U.S.A. im September 2008 verhaftet und erhielt als erste Journalistin in der Welt im Dezember 2008 den Right Livelihood Award in Schweden in Stockholm. Gegen den französisch-deutschen Journalisten und Autoren, Andreas Klamm, wurden offenkundig schwerste und falsche Anschuldigungen gemacht, die nicht stimmen. Seine Reputation wurde schwer geschädigt. Der amerikanisch-iranischen Journalistin Roxana Saberi hat man vorgeworfen für die U.S.A. Spionage zu betreiben. Sie war im Iran im Gefängnis. Die Vorwürfe stimmen nicht. Sie ist inzwischen wieder frei und in den U.S.A.

Die französiche Journalistin und Studentin Clotilde Reiss aus Frankreich wird ganz offensichtlich falsch der Spionage bezichtigt. Die Menschenrechts-Reporterin und Journalistin ist aufgrund ihrer Arbeit zur Zeit in Haft in iranischen Evin-Gefängnis in Teheran im Iran. Die Arbeit und das Engagement von Journalisten, für die Menschenrechte ist nicht einfach und auch nicht ohne Gefahren – in keinem Land. Fotos: 3mnewswire.org / Eustacio Humphrey / ZUMA Press

An dem Vorwurf und der Anzeige eines anonymen Hinweis-Gebers aus Mannheim im Jahr 1999, wonach der Journalist, der im Zweit-Beruf auch staatlich geprüfter Krankenpfleger ist, „...die Stute Abby mehrfach vergewaltigt, misshandelt, geschlagen und gequält haben solle...“ konnte für die Beobachter einer ganzen Gruppe von Polizei, Presse und Amts-Tierarzt der Stadt Mannheim schon deshalb nichts dran sein, weil bei der Orts-Besichtigung auf dem Reiterhof in Mannheim-Sandhofen sich ganz schnell die wahren Umständen zu dem armen Pferd herausgestellt hatten. Die „Stute Abby“ war keine Stute sondern früher ein Hengst, vielmehr ein Wallach. Schon im Jahr 1999 bestätigte der Amts-Tierarzt Dr. Horst Jakubowski (59) gegenüber der Bild Zeitung „Wir bekommen öfters anonyme Anrufe. Aber diesmal war an der Geschichte gar nichts dran.“

Klamm kaufte ein bereits krankes Pferd für 1650 Deutsche Mark (DM), das vermutlich kaum ein anderer Menschen gekauft hätte und wollte es gesund pflegen. Die Bild bezeichnete ihn als „Pferde-Narr“.

Die verschiedenen Redaktionen vorliegenden Vorwürfe, in Bezug „...auf mehrere Milliarden geschätzten Spenden-Betrug...“ erweisen sich ganz schnell als lächerlich, da selbst bei der Tsunami-Hilfe, in die Andreas Klamm tatsächlich involviert war, bekanntlich kein Spenden-Aufkommen von mehreren Milliarden Euro zustande gekommen ist. Der von Klamm vorgelegte Konto-Auszug seines leeren Kontos lässt schnell erkennen, dass sich auf seinem Konto noch nicht einmal mehr 15 Euro befinden und auch in den vergangenen Monaten keine größeren und schon gar keine nennenswerte Finanz-Transaktionen über das Konto des Journalisten und Autors getätigt wurden.

Die schriftlichen Vorwürfe, auch im Zusammenhang zum „Fest für arme Menschen“ in Ludwigshafen am Rhein lauten allerdings tatsächlich von mehreren Zeugen in der Schriftform: „...alle Spenden die in Deutschland gemacht werden gehen immer nur auf das Konto von Andreas Klamm...“.

Wozu die Vorwürfe dienen sollen, die auch für Laien, die nicht für das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) oder Generalbundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe tätig sind, sofort als falsch erkennbar sein müssen, ist fraglich.

Andreas Klamm, der seit 25 Jahren über Berufserfahrung als Journalist verfügt, vermutet: „Jeder Journalist und jeder Leser, Hörer oder Zuschauer weiß, dass selbst wenn eine Geschichte, wie diese mit nicht haltbaren Vorwürfen veröffentlicht und weltweit im Internet verbreitet wird: Es bleibt immer irgendetwas in den Köpfen der Menschen hängen und irgendetwas bleibt an der Geschichte im Gedächtnis der Leser auch dann wenn die Anschuldigungen ganz offensichtlich falsch und frei erfunden sind. Diese Vorwürfe sind einerseits falsch und müssen ganz offenbar als frei erfunden erkennbar werden. Daher kritisiere ich die bewusste und öffentliche Schädigung meiner Reputation, meines Rufes.

Beim Fest für arme Menschen gab es einen Haupt-Sponsor und das war Landrat Werner Schröter (SPD) vom Landkreis Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis, der einen Spenden-Scheck in Höhe von 500 Euro direkt an die Veranstalterin Elvira Fabian Comer persönlich übereichte. Zudem war ich mit den Veranstaltern nicht verbunden und auch nicht in deren Team, sondern hatte nur über das, meiner persönlichen Ansicht nach bemerkenswerte Engagement der Frau berichtet, und dazu öffentlich mehrfach aufgerufen die Hilfs-Aktion für obdachlose Menschen zu unterstützen. Natürlich hat es mich riesig gefreut, zu hören, dass auch der bekannte Moderator Dieter Thomas Heck (ZDF Hitparade), eine Aktion für Menschen in schwerster Armut unterstützt. Irgendwie, obgleich ich nicht zum Kreise der Veranstalter zählte, bin ich dafür auch Dieter Thomas Heck dankbar.

In aller Deutlichkeit versichere ich hiermit noch einmal, dass ich nicht einen einzigen Cent der für obdachlose Menschen vorgesehenen Spenden-Gelder oder Sachspenden erhalten habe. Weshalb eine Hilfs-Aktion für Menschen in schwerster Armut derart diskreditiert und Journalisten, die über eine solche Aktionen berichten, in dieser Weise angegriffen werden, kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Es ist richtig, dass ich in Briefen mehrere Firmen, Organisationen und Politiker um Unterstützung gebeten haben. Immerhin ging es um rund 120 Menschen in schwerster Not.“

Die offensichtlich falschen Vorwürfe in Sachen Sozial-Betrug gegenüber dem Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis sind noch leichter als falsch und nicht richtig zu erkennen: Zeugen „...wollen die Familie Klamm und deren Sohn Andreas Klamm im Jahr 2008 beobachtet haben und wissen, dass die Familie Klamm die reichste Bauern-Familie in Neuhofen sein soll..“.

Dabei haben offenbar die „Zeugen“ übersehen, dass Manfred Klamm, der Vater von Andreas, bereits im Jahr 2000 nach einem schweren Unfall verstorben ist. Auffällig ist die Phantasie-volle Namengebung der Zeugen, die sich hinter Nicknames wie „naturinfo“ und vergleichbaren Kunst-Namen verstecken und bis auf wenige Ausnahmen nicht bereit sind, ihre wahre Identität zu offenbaren.

Seit 2006 hat der Autor seinen Ersatz-Lebensmittel-Punkt in London gewählt. Er befindet sich eigenen Angaben zufolge, aufgrund seiner beruflichen Arbeit als Journalist und Autor auch oft zu Besuch in Neuhofen, bei der Witwe des Mannes, der ein Feuerwehr-Obermann bei der Städtischen Berufs-Feuerwehr in Ludwigshafen am Rhein war und später als Post-Beamter tätig war und zu keinem Zeitpunkt als Landwirt arbeitete. Als seine bevorzugte „Wahl-Heimat“ bezeichnete der Journalist die Stadt New York City, die er zweimal zwecks Recherchen und Freiwilligen-Hilfs-Einsätzen in den Jahren 2001 im November und im Frühjahr 2002 besuchte.

Andreas Klamm hat zu keinem Zeitpunkt nach dem Jahr 2006 einen Antrag auf Sozialhilfe beim Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis oder bei anderen deutschen Behörden gestellt. So sehr man an den „demokratischen und sozialen Bundesstaat Deutschland“ glauben will, -- der schriftliche Vorwurf „Sozial-Betrug und Betrug gegenüber Menschen in Neuhofen und Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis“ klingt schon deshalb lächerlich, weil Millionen von Menschen, die an oder unter der Armuts-Grenze in Deutschland leben, wissen, dass ohne einen schriftlichen Antrag deutsche Sozial-Behörden nicht einen einzigen Cent auf das Konto auch Hilfe-bedürftiger Menschen überweisen.

Im polizeilichen Führungszeugnis aus dem Jahr 2004 des beschuldigten Journalisten und Autors Andreas Klamm sind „keine Eintragungen“ zu finden.

Wie die schriftlichen Vorwürfe einiger „Beobachter“ bei Wikipedia Deutschland und bei Wikipedia in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika entstehen konnten, wonach es so wörtlich keine „Nachweise und Beweise“ für die Arbeiten und Bücher des Journalisten Andreas Klamm geben solle, ist schon deshalb geradezu lächerlich, weil schon bei einer Internet-Recherche, der von Klamm genannten ISBN-Nummern sehr schnell zu erkennen ist, dass in den Jahren 2008 und 2009 zwei Bücher in Frankreich und vier Bücher von Andreas Klamm in Deutschland veröffentlicht wurden. Welchen Sinn es machen soll, dass sich „sogenannte Zeugen“ sich zu solchen offenkundig als falsch erkennbare schwere Anschuldigungen auch öffentlich bei Wikipedia hinreisen lassen, bleibt ungeklärt.

Der Vorwurf, der von Klamm vorgelegte Akkreditierungs-Presse-Ausweis zum G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm, bei dem der Nachrichten-Korrespondent als Berichter-Erstatter und als einer von insgesamt 4700 Journalisten mit Akkreditierung tätig war, klingt schon deshalb nicht glaubhaft, weil beim G8-Gipfel die höchste Sicherheits-Stufe gegolten hat und die Fotos für den G8-Akkreditierungs-Ausweis im Presse-Anmelde-Zentrum von BKA-Beamten gemachten wurden.

Zudem veröffentlichte der französisch-deutsche Journalist mehrere Fernseh-Beiträge in denen deutlich sichtbar ist, dass er Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel aus nächster Nähe beim G8 -Gipfel für international gesendete Fernseh-Sendungen aufgenommen hat.

Beim näheren Betrachten einiger veröffentlichter Arbeiten von Andreas Klamm wird allerdings ganz schnell deutlich, dass sich der Journalist und Autor „ungewollt und unbeabsichtigt“ eine Vielzahl von Feinden in vielen Teilen dieser Welt in seinem 25jährigen Wirken für Menschenrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit geschaffen haben muss.

In einem Radio-Beitrag zu Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in Deutschland mit Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeld vom Deutschen Institut der Menschenrechte bezeichnete Klamm, der seine Radio-Sendungen auch moderiert, „...die Nazis in den Jahren 1933 bis 1945 als wahre Meister der Folter“.

So sehr auch die Kritik berechtigt erscheinen mag, der Autor und Journalist hätte es zumindest erahnen können, dass auch Neo-Nazis nicht gerne als „wahre Meister der Folter“ gesehen und bezeichnet werden wollen.

Der Kommentar-Ton und die Kritik der ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der jüdischen Gemeinde in Mannheim, Etna Altgenug, mit deutlich kritischen Ergänzungen von Klamm, lassen sehr schnell erahnen, dass sich der Fernseh-Produzent in den Reihen von Neo-Nazis, die nicht selten den „Holocaust“ in Deutschland leugnen, ganz sicher keine Freunde geschaffen haben kann. Die „Mord-Drohungen“, die es nach der Ausstrahlung der Fernseh-Sendung „Der 9. November 1938 und heute“ gab, sind dennoch nicht zu rechtfertigen. Eine Demokratie, als solche bezeichnet sich Deutschland, muss auch mit den besonders kritischen Stimmen französisch-deutscher Journalisten und Autoren leben können, auch wenn diese nicht in den allgemeinen Medien-Main-Stream passen, sondern vielmehr im Rahmen alternativer Medien-Projekte ganz deutlich aus der üblichen deutschen Norm fallen.

In seinem internationalen Engagement für die Menschenrechte, die sieben Bücher, die der Autor und Journalist veröffentlichte, welche in englischer und deutscher Sprache erschienen sind, hat er sich allerdings weder im Iran noch in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika neue Freunde, sondern vielmehr offenbar auch ernst zu nehmende Feinde geschaffen.

Nach der Verhaftung der U.S-amerikanischen Journalistin, Amy Goodman, die im September 2008 verhaftet wurde, schrieb Andreas Klamm in einem öffenen und öffentlichen Brief an die U.S-Staatsanwälte und bat diese um die sofortige Freilassung der angesehenen Journalistin Amy Goodman, die als erste Journalistin in der Welt im Dezember 2008 in der Stadt Stockholm in Schweden den Right Livelihood Award erhalten hat. In seinem offenen und öffentlichen Brief bittet er angesehene U.S.-Staatsanwälte darum die „Demokratie, Freiheit, Presse-Freiheit und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nicht zu zerstören. Bitte zeigen Sie, dass Ihnen der Allmächtige Gott Weisheit, Gnade und Barmherzigkeit geschenkt hat und lassen Sie alternative und unabhängige Journalisten wie Amy Goodman und ihre Kollegen frei.“ forderte er.

60.000 weitere Menschen schrieben auch an die U.S. Staatsanwälte, vermutlich weniger mit der Bitte „Bitte zerstören Sie Amerika nicht...“...

Das sind Inhalte, die Regierungen, in welchem Land auch immer, nicht gerne veröffentlicht sehen und auch in diesem Anliegen, der sofortigen Freilassung der Journalistin Amy Goodman, dürfte sich der Autor nur wenig neue Freunde in den U.S.A. geschaffen haben.

Der öffentliche Brief ist unter anderem auch bei www.scribd.com/doc/16183663/Amy-Goodman-USA-County-Attorney zu lesen.

Das Engagement von Andreas Klamm für seine im Iran inhaftierte iranisch-amerikanische Journalistin Roxana Saberi war sicher gut gemeint. Doch wegen der Verhaftung und des Vorwurfes der Journalistin der dem Staatspräsidenten Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad und der gesamten iranischen Staatsführung, in einer öffentlichen Petition an Bundespräsident Dr. Horst Köhler, so wörtlich „Führungs-Schwäche“ zu unterstellen dürften in iranischen Staats-Kreisen keine große Freude ausgelöst haben.

Insbesondere deshalb nicht, weil der öffentliche Brief und die Petition auch an mehrere nationale und internationale Nachrichten-Agenturen versendet wurde.

Vor wenigen Monaten unterstützte der Journalist öffentlich die Eine-Million grüne Briefe-Kampagne einer amerikanischen Organisation, die sich ebenso für die Freilassung von Roxana Saberi engagierte. Wenn man errechnet, dass der Versand von einer Million Briefe, mit der sich nach den Vorstellungen der amerikanischen Organisation und von Andreas Klamm, die Menschen für die sofortige Freilassung der verhafteten Journalistin Roxana Saberi einsetzen sollten, in den Iran und an iranische Botschaften in aller Welt mit je 0,55 Euro Euro Porto zu einer Gesamt-Summe von immerhin 550.000 Euro geführt hätte, wären die Briefe alle von Deutschland aus in den Iran geschickt worden, dann geht es doch um eine Summe, die auch deutsche Spitzen-Politiker nicht einfach aus einer der Porto-Kassen der großen deutschen Parteien nehmen können.

Der Betrieb der Deutschen Post wäre bei einer Versendung von einer Million grünen Brief mit der Forderung zur sofortigen Freilassung der Journalistin Roxana Saberi sicherlich im Stillstand erlegen.

So betrachtet war es sicherlich gut, dass dem Journalisten und der U.S.-amerikanischen Organisation die iranische Regierung nach der Veröffentlichung seines Beitrags in einer internationalen Zeitung in englischer Sprache zuvor gekommen ist und die Journalistin Roxana Saberi vor dem Start der Einen-Millionen-Grünen Briefe-Kampagne freigelassen wurde.

Ein Richter im Iran bezeichnete die überraschende Freilassung von Roxana Saberi als einen „Akt der Gnade“.

In einer neuen und weiteren öffentlichen „NOTFALL – Petition an Bundespräsident Horst Köhler vom 9. Juli 2009 zur Freilassung der französischen Journalistin und Studentin Clotilde Reiss aus Frankreich und der iranischen Journalistin Shiva Nazarahari zur Zeit in Haft Evin-Gefängnis Teheran / Iran“ die Klamm auch an angesehene Nachrichten-Agenturen wie die Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Deutscher Depeschen Dienst (ddp), Reuters und AP News in Frankfurt versendet hatte, macht er erneut der Iranischen Regierung „eine Führungsschwäche“ öffentlich zum Vorwurf.

Nachgefragt, wie sein Vorwurf der „Führungs-Schwäche der Iranischen Regierung“ zu verstehen ist, erklärte Andreas Klamm: „Ich glaube, dass nur Regierungen, die schwach und kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch stehen, es nötig haben, die kritischen Stimmen in- oder ausländischer Stimmen, eben auch die kritischen Stimmen von kritischen Journalisten und Journalistinnen zu unterdrücken. Auch meinen Kolleginnen aus dem Iran und aus Frankreich wirft man erneut Spionage vor. Die Vorwürfe sind definitiv falsch.

Das erinnert mich sehr stark an die Vorgänge zu meiner Kollegin Roxana Saberi, der man auch Spionage zum Vorwurf machte. Vorwürfe, die in dieser Form einfach so nicht haltbar und frei erfunden waren. Es war ausdrücklich nicht mein Ziel in meiner öffentlichen Petition die Regierung im Iran oder Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad zu beleidigen.

Wäre Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad zu einem Fernseh-Interview bereit würde es ich soweit möglich gerne mit ihm in engischer Sprache produzieren und ihn auch konkret zur Situation meiner Kolleginnen, der französischen Studentin und Journalistin Clotilde Reiss aus Frankreich und von der Menschenrechts-Reporterin Shiva Nazarahari befragen. Ich bin französich-deutscher Journalist und verstehe mich als Welt-Bürger mit kosmopolitischen Überzeugungen. Vermutlich denke ich anders als deutsche Journalisten.

Dennoch glaube ich, dass es starke Staats- und Regierungs-Chefs nicht notwendig haben, die kritischen Stimmen auch kritischer Journalistinnen zu unterdrücken und diese aufgrund ihres Engagements für die Menschenrechte wegen des offensichtlich falschen Vorwurfs der Spionage zu verhaften. Daher bewerte ich es in der Tat als deutliches Alarm-Zeichen, wenn Regierungen, sei es im Iran, in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder auch in Deutschland als notwendig betrachten, Journalisten und Journalistinnen anzugreifen, zu verfolgen oder zu verhaften oder diesen völlig falsche Vorwürfe, wie den schweren Vorwurf der Spionage zu machen.

Natürlich ist mir aus meinem 25jährigen Engagement als Journalist und für die Menschenrechte bekannt, dass Regierungen stetig versuchen, die kritischen und freien Stimmen von engagierten und kritischen Journalisten und Journalisten zu unterdrücken. Natürlich ist mir bekannt, dass auch die Bundesregierung es nicht wünscht, dass diese Informationen an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen. Doch dürfen wir der Verhaftung und langjährigen Inhaftierung ohne Grund mit falschen Anschuldigungen gegenüber Journalisten einfach tatenlos zusehen? Roxana Saberi war zu Beginn des Jahres in Lebensgefahr. Mir blieb keine andere Chance als auch Petition international zu unterstützen und mindestens eine Petition an Horst Köhler in Deutschland zu schreiben.

Ich glaube gerade als Journalisten sind wir auch Bürger und wir sollten die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen sehr gut kennen. Natürlich müssen wir auch über komplizierte Themen, wie die schwerste Not des Sozial-Aktivisten Bruno Schillinger aus March bei Freiburg berichten, dem seit fast vier Monaten die finanziellen Sozial-Hilfe-Leistungen auf 0,00 Euro gestrichen wurden.

Dass Angela Merkel, Frank Walter-Steinmeier und Horst Köhler vielleicht weniger erfreut über die kritische Bericht-Erstattung sind, kann ich einerseits verstehen. Allerdings kann ich nicht tatenlos zusehen, wie Menschen in schwerster Not verhungern, in Deutschland in einem Land, in dem Menschen, meiner Einschätzung nach ganz sicher aus finanziellen Gründen nicht verhungern müssen.“

Weshalb schreiben und veröffentlichen Sie deutlich kritische Berichte zu Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in anderen Ländern und in Deutschland?

„Wenn ich als französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist und Autor nur stetig über Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in fernen Ländern berichten würde, die viele Menschen kaum kennen, dabei jedoch die Situation von Verletzungen von Menschenrechten in Deutschland oder auch in Frankreich ignorieren würde, ist es so, als ob ich stetig mit einem erhobenen Zeige-Finger die Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in fernen Ländern kritisieren würde und die Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in Deutschland oder Frankreich ignorieren oder mit Scheu-Klappen ausgestattet, übersehen würde. Das ist mir schon aus Verantwortung und Gewissens-Gründen nicht möglich.

Sie dürfen mir glauben, dass es mir keineswegs leicht fällt, zum Teil über sehr schwere Formen der Menschenrechts-Verletzungen auch in Deutschland zu berichten. Dabei spielt die Nationalität eines Menschen keine Rolle mit Priorität. Es gibt leider türkische Brüder und Schwestern und auch deutsche Brüder und Schwestern, deren Menschenrechte auch in Deutschland in schwerster Form verletzt wurden. Mein Ziel ist es nicht Deutschland oder irgendeinem anderen Land im Engagement für die Menschenrechte zu schaden.

Mein Ziel ist es zu helfen, Probleme in der Verletzung von Menschenrechten wahrzunehmen und im Sinne von Freiheit, Demokratie, Frieden und Meinungs- Presse- und Informations-Freiheit zumindest soweit zu helfen, die Zahl der Menschenrechts-Verletzungen in Deutschland oder auch in anderen Länder zu reduzieren. Ohne die Unterstützung mehrerer Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Länder wäre mir diese Arbeit nicht möglich. Daher bin ich jedem Menschen sehr dankbar, der oder die sich für die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte engagieren.“, ergänzte Andreas Klamm.

Sie haben den U.S.-Deserteur André Shepherd im März 2009 zum Frieden-Preis bei „Die Anstifter“ und bei Peter Grohmann in Stuttgart vorgeschlagen und öffentlich darum gebeten, dass André Shepherd die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft erhalten wird. Geht diese Forderung nicht zu weit?

Andreas Klamm: „Bitte korrigieren Sie mich, wenn ich mich irren sollte. Laut dem Grundgesetz ist Deutschland so wörtlich zum Frieden in der Welt verpflichtet. Wenn ein U.S.-amerikanischer Soldat, Afro-amerikanischer Herkunft, wie Andrè Shepherd, seine Waffen niederlegt und am Krieg nicht teilnehmen will, ist das nicht einer der größten Frieden-Dienste die man leisten kann? Er nimmt die Gefahr von Verfolgung durch die amerikanische Militär-Polizei und U.S.-Geheim-Dienste auf sich, um Frieden zu erleben und verweigert sich der aktiven Teilnahme am Krieg. Hat er damit nicht bereits alle angesehenen Preise verdient.

Mich verbindet einiges mit dem U.S-Friedens-Aktivisten André Shepherd. Nicht ganz freiwillig durch äußere Umstände „gezwungen“ musste ich als französisch-deutscher Bürger und Journalist 15 Monate bei der Bundeswehr-Luftwaffe ableisten. 1989 stellte ich einen Antrag auf Kriegs-Dienstverweigerung nach Ableistung des kompletten Wehrdienstes, weil ich Krieg und Gewalt ablehne aus Glaubens- und Gewissens-Gründen. Mein Fall kam vor das Militär-Gericht beim Kriegs-Dienst-Verweigerungs-Ausschuss in Neustadt. Mein Anliegen, den Kriegsdienst zu verweigern, weil auch im Grundgesetz geschrieben steht, dass Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg seit 1945 zum Frieden in der Welt verpflichtet ist, wurde abgelehnt. Es gibt Gründe, die nur noch eine Flucht erlauben.

Wenn André Shepherd jetzt Schutz bei den ehemaligen Feinden in Deutschland sucht und auf die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft hofft, dann hat er das Recht dazu nach Artikel 15 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Im Oktober 2007 stellte ich beim U.S. - Präsidenten und beim U.S. Department for Justice nach Artikel 15 den Antrag auf Wechsel der Staatsbürgerschaft von der deutschen in die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie können erahnen, dass ich sehr froh wäre, wenn es Menschen in Amerika gebe, die ihre Stimme erheben und mir helfen, die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft zu erhalten. Statt jedoch nur zu klagen, sah ich es als meine Pflicht einem Bruder und Gleichgesinnten, wie André Shepherd wenigstens mittels einer einfachen Bitte, versuchen zu helfen, die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft zu erhalten, wenn er sich diese in der Tat wünscht.

Den Wunsch nach Frieden von André Shepherd kann ich sehr gut verstehen. 1989 musste ich genau für diesen Wunsch nach Frieden mit friedlichen Mitteln mittels Antrag auf Kriegsdienst-Verweigerung kämpfen und obgleich ich damals schwer erkrankte, wurden meine Glaubens- und Gewissens-Gründe gegen Krieg nicht vom Militär-Gericht in Deutschland akzeptiert. Man hat einfach übergangen, dass ich schon aufgrund meines Großvaters dem französischen Offizier und Lieutenant Haedi Sabaot, er ist afrikanischer Herkunft, in einem stetigen Gewissen-Konflikt stehe, da man von mir nicht abverlangen kann, für die deutsche Bundeswehr auf meine Verwandte in Frankreich zu schießen. Daher lehne ich Krieg im Allgmeinen ab. Es gibt viel wichtigere Aufgaben wie die Welt-Wirtschafts-Krise, globale Hungersnot und ernste Probleme wie Klima-Wandel zu bewältigen. Ich zitiere einen Oberstudienrat, der mir in einer der Ausbildungen sagte: Krieg ist das Ende der Vernunft.“

Das Engagement für die Menschenrechte des französisch-deutschen Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten und Autors ist sicher wichtig. Es mindestens ebenso wichtig , wie das Engagement vieler weiterer Menschen, die in Deutschland und in der Welt auch kritische Stimmen zum Schutz für die Menschenrechte erheben.

Allerdings muss er sich durchaus auch die kritische Fragen gefallen lassen, ob die Wahl der Mittel für das Engagement für die Menschenrechte die richtigen Mittel sind. Vielleicht wäre statt dem öffentlichen Vorwurf an die Regierung im Iran der „Führungsschwäche“ in einer öffentlichen Petition an Bundespräsident Horst Köhler im Juli 2009 zu machen eine diplomatische Vorgehensweise hilfreicher gewesen.

In seinem Engagement für die Menschenrechte hat sich Klamm ganz sicher nicht an allen Orten beliebt gemacht oder neue Freunde gewonnen, vielmehr hat er sich ohne Zweifel auch in internationalen Regierungs-Kreisen ganz sicher neue Feinde geschaffen, „...ohne es zu wollen...“ wie er mehrfach versichert..

Erst vor zwei Wochen beklagte und kritisierte er in einem seiner englischen Beiträge für eine internationale Zeitung die Verhaftung von Christen in China. Das dürfte auch bei der chinesischen Regierung wenig Freude ausgelöst haben und so ist es wahrlich nicht mehr verwunderlich, dass vor 14 Tagen ein weiterer Angriff auf das Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm stattgefunden hat, in dem emails mit gefälschter Adresse in viele Teile der Welt offenbar aus China verschickt wurden, die nicht vom Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm aus London oder aus Ludwigshafen am Rhein verschickt wurden und auch nicht von Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen des internationalen Medienprojektes für die Menschenrechte Liberty and Peace NOW!, das von dem Journalisten Andreas Klamm und von dem in Nürnberg lebenden Buch-Autor von drei Büchern, Hans-Jürgen Graf im Jahr 2006 gegründet wurde. Mehr Informationen zu Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters sind bei www.radiotvinfo.org zu finden.


Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
Der Prekarier
Bundeswehr, Kriegsdienst-Verweigerungs-Ausschuss Neustadt
Die Anstifter
Peter Grohmann
Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt
Radio IBS Liberty

Monday, August 3, 2009

Zahlreiche und hochwertige Veranstaltungen nach den Sommer-Ferien

Menschenrechte, Gesellschaft und Soziales

Zahlreiche und hochwertige Veranstaltungen nach den Sommer-Ferien

Mainz. 4. August 2009. (and). Die Heinrich Böll-Stiftung in Mainz bietet nach den Sommerferien ein neues hochwertiges und umfangreiches Programm wieder dicht und abwechslungsreich.

Den Einstieg in Themen zu Menschenrechten und zu weiteren Gesellschafts-Themen bietet in Trier ein Film zur Flüchtlingsproblematik,in Mainz findet am 30. August das "Ladies Lunch" statt

Im September widmet sich die Stiftung den Hauptthemen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit , Migration, sowie Klima- und Wirtschaftkrise orientiert. Letzteres wird für die nächsten Monate ein roter Faden für viele Veranstaltungen der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung sein.

Ein Hoffnung machendes Bild zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements bieten viele Mobilisierungen gegen Neonazi-Aufmärsche wie zuletzt in Friedberg, Nidda, Nieder-Olm, bei denen oft verhindert werden konnte, dass die entsprechenden Gruppen ihre menschenfeindlichen Parolen durch die Orte tragen konnten. Auch hierzu wird die Stiftung weiter arbeiten.

Die Übersicht der Veranstaltungen in den kommenden Monaten

Freitag, 28. August, 20 Uhr, Trier, Mehrgenerationenhaus, Christophstr. 1

"Ein Augenblick Freiheit" - preisgekrönter Film von Arash T. Riahi. über Flucht und Asyl in Europa

Sonntag, 30. August, 11 - 14 Uhr; Mainz, Gasthof Grün, Leibnizstr. 27/29

"Ladies Lunch"

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit - Das uneingelöste Versprechen -
Erfolge, Misserfolge und Perspektiven von Frauenpolitik

Freitag, 4. September, 14 - 18:30 Uhr; Trier, Studienzentrum Karl-Marx-Haus, Johannisstraße 28

Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung statt unbegrenztes Wirtschaftswachstum

9. regionaler Klimagipfel
- Neue Wege für für eine werte-bewusste nachhaltige Ökonomie

Donnerstag, 10. September, 19:30 Uhr; Mainz, Erbacher Hof, Grebenstraße 24

"Grüne Wege aus der Autokrise" - vom Autobauer zum Mobilitätsdienstleister? Moderation: Tabea Rößner, Prof . Andreas Knie, WBZ, Berlin, Prof . Heiner Monheim, Univ. Trier, Vertreterin / Vertreter von OPEL

Dienstag, 15. September, 19:00, Trier, Bischöfliches Angela-Merici-Gymnasium

Klimawandel – Lebenswandel - Kulturwandel

Aus der Reihe "Klimaschutz – eine Frage der globalen Gerechtigkeit" mit der Katholischen Akademie, Trier, Anmeldung erbeten, mit Angelika Zahrnt, , Mitglied des Rates für nachhaltige Entwicklung, ehemalige Vorsitzende des BUND,Einleitung von
Ulrike Höfken, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN

Mittwoch, 16. September, Mainz, Rathaus

Warum Frauen erste Wahl sind

Politikerinnen in der Berichterstattung, mit Prof. Dr. Luise F. Pusch


Freitag, 23. Oktober, 19 Uhr, Trier - Lesung mit Feridun Zaimoglu

11. September

Freitag, 11. September, Mainz, Zentrum

Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der EKHN Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 113

Bürgerinnen und Bürger engagieren sich: Förderpartnerschaften für Integration - mit Beteiligung der Heinrich Böll Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz , Veranstaltende: Arbeit und Leben gGmbH

Weitere und ausführliche Informationen sind bei www.boell-rlp.de/Programm im Programm der Heinrich Böll Stiftung zu finden.

Emails mit gefälschter Absender-Adresse stammen möglicherweise aus China

Emails mit gefälschter Absender-Adresse stammen möglicherweise aus China

Wiederholte Angriffe auf das Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm – Nachrichtenagentur 3mnewswire.org

Von Andrew P. Harrod

London / Berlin. 2. August 2009. Die seit vergangener Woche in alle Welt versandten emails mit der gefälschten Absender-Adresse des Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm, stammen möglicherweise aus China.

Der Französisch-deutsche Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor von sieben Büchern hatte erst vor rund zwei Wochen einen Beitrag für eine internationale Zeitung in englischer Sprache zu schwersten Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in China veröffentlicht.

Ob es Zusammenhänge zu dem kritischen Bericht über die Verletzung der Menschenrechte in China gibt, steht zur Stunde nicht fest. Möglicherweise könnte es sich bei zahlreichen Angriffen innerhalb der vergangenen zwei Monate in vielfältiger Weise auch nur um eine „auffällige Häufung sonderbarer Zufälle handeln.“, teilte der Redaktions-Leiter des internationalen Medien-Netzwerkes mit, Andreas Klamm mit. Bei dem Medien-Netzwerk handelt es sich um ein nicht kommerzielles Medien-Netzwerk, das seit 1984 und 1986 frei und alternativ berichtet.

Die emails mit der gefälschten Absender-Adresse des Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm wurden in viele Teile der Welt verschickt, auch in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

Die Prüfung der Header-Information führt zu einer ersten Spur nach China teilten Beobachter mit. Die emails mit der Absender-Adresse des Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm (email: andreasklamm@hotmmail.com) wurden weder aus London noch aus Ludwigshafen verschickt, sondern wurden offenbar mit gefälschter email-Absender-Adresse von China aus in viele Teile der Welt verschickt.

Bereits im Jahr 2007 fand ein Angriff auf einen Server des internationalen Glaubens-Netzwerkes IFN International Family Network d734 statt, das mit der Nachrichtenagentur 3mnewswire.org kooperiert.

Im Jahr 2007 wurden mehrere Tausend emails mit gefälschter Absender-Adresse mit Viren-Anhang in alle Welt verschickt. Der email-Versand-Spam-Versand fand erst ein Ende, als öffentlich bekannt wurde, dass eine Strafanzeige bei der Polizei in Deutschland erstattet wurde.

Ob es Zusammenhänge zwischen dem email-Spam-Versand, die NACHWEISBAR NICHT vom Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm stammt und der Löschung des Nachrichten-Blogs von 3mnewswire.org bei www.3mnewswire.blogspot.com gibt, konnte bislang nicht geklärt.

Der Anbieter von Blogger, die Google INC. hat zahlreiche Blogs der internationalen Medien-Arbeitsgemeinschaft IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, die seit 1986, internationale Völkerverständigung in Radio- und Fernseh-Sendung und in Kooperation mit zahlreichen weiteren Einrichtungen und Medien-Angebote fördert, und die internationale Arbeit behinderter Journalisten und Autoren ohne jede Form des Hinweises oder einer Ankündigung gelöscht.

Eine Daten-Sicherung von fast 4000 Nachrichten-Beiträgen war nicht mehr möglich, da die Löschung nicht angekündigt wurde. Andreas Klamm beklagte so wörtlich die „Presse-Kommunikations- und Medien-Zensur“ des Konzern-Riesen.

Durch Google INC und Blogger wurde zudem der Zugang zum Einloggen der Autoren-Accounts zum internationalen Medien-Projekt für die Menschenrechte Liberty and Peace NOW !, internationales Medien-Projekt für die Menschenrechte, ohne Ankündigung gesperrt.

In dem Medien-Angebot von Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters wird wie auch in den Büchern, die der französisch-deutsche Journalist in Frankreich und Deutschland veröffentlichte über die schwerste Verletzung von Menschenrechten regelmäßig berichtet.

Gesperrt ohne Mitteilung und Angabe von Gründen wurden auch die Autoren-Zugänge zum Blog der international Jüdisch-Christlichen John Baptist Mission of Togo, die in Togo von Reverend Yawovi Nyonato gegründet wurde und zu weiteren Medien- und Presse-Angeboten des alternativen Medien-Netzwerkes, das seit 1984 und seit 1986 tätig ist.

„Offensichtlich gibt es Regierungen und Konzerne in dieser Welt, die ein großes Problem mit der Arbeit freier und internationaler Journalisten haben, die die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen wissentlich nicht einhalten, verletzen, Presse-Freiheit außer Kraft setzen und offenbar auch die Berichte Jüdisch-Christlicher Mission-Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen zensieren wollen. Zumindest muss man diesen Eindruck gewinnen. Normalerweise sind dies mehr klassische Merkmale für eine Diktatur. Dass es so genannte Demokratien nötig haben auch kritische Informationen zu löschen und zu zensieren, ist ein Alarm-Zeichen.

Das wird nichts an meinem Wunsch ändern an meinen Antrag aus dem Jahr 2007 auf den Wechsel der Staatsbürgerschaft festzuhalten. Ich lehne die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft aus Glaubens- und Gewissens-Gründen und auch inzwischen aus politischen Gründen ab.“, informierte der Gründer und Redaktions-Leiter des Medien-Netzwerkes.

Er stellte bereits im Jahr 2007 einen Antrag auf Wechsel der Staatsbürgerschaft nach Artikel 15 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen.

Erst in der vergangenen Woche hatten sich „Zeugen“ bei Wikipedia Deutschland gemeldet, die in der Schriftform behaupteten, dass es keinerlei Nachweise und Beweise für die Arbeiten des französisch-deutschen Journalisten gebe. Angeblich handele sich bei den Angaben zu seinen Bücher, für die es so wörtlich „keine Nachweise und Beweise“ gibt möglicherweise um Betrug.

Weitere Informationen dazu bei http://andreasklamm.radiotvinfo.org .

An diesem Wochenende wurden mit der nicht angekündigten Löschung mehrere Tausend Beweise und Nachweise für die internationalen Arbeiten von Google INC. gelöscht.

Ausführliche Informationen mit Beispielen der Header - Informationen der gefälschten emails sind bei http://ibsradiotv.livejournal.com zu finden.

Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing

Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing

Nürnberg. 3. August 2009. Am Samstag, 1. August hat in Deutschland und in Nürnberg der erste Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing der deutschen Sozial-Gesetzgebung stattgefunden.

Zudem Tag hat der Vorsitzende des Aktions-Kommitees zum Gedenk- und Aktions-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing, Initiator und Autor von drei Büchern, Hans-Jürgen Graf, aus Nürnberg aufgerufen.

Der national Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing soll künftig immer am 1. August jährlich stattfinden.

Die Beteiligung am Aktions- und Gedenktag war eigenen Angaben des Initiators, Hans-Jürgen Graf, zufolge gering.

In Nürnberg erklärte der Autor und couragierte Mann bei Radio IBS Liberty in einem Interview die Hintergründe zum Aktions- und Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing in Deutschland.

Das Radio-Interview ist bei www.ibstelevision.com/?page=radioibslibertyde1 zu hören.

Ausführliche Informationen zum nationalen Gedenk-Tag für die Opfer von Sozial-Mobbing sind bei http://prekarier.infopartner.net/gedenktag zu finden.

Andreas Klamm

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

EILMELDUNG: Tausend-Facher email-Versand mit gefälschten Inhalt - Ist ein ein Versuch der Kriminalisierung ?

EILMELDUNG: Tausend-Facher email-Versand mit gefälschten Inhalt - Ist ein ein Versuch der Kriminalisierung ?

Andreas Klamm bestreitet Vorwürfe zur Kinder-Pornografie und Spenden-Betrug in Milliarden-Höhe

Von Mohammed Yousef

London. 29. Juli 2009. Zur Zeit werden mit der Adresse des Journalisten-Büros des Französischen Journalisten Andreas Klamm TAUSENDFACH gefälschte emails in alle Welt verschickt, die nicht von dem Journalisten Andreas Klamm stammen.

Die Inhalte verweisen nach ersten Erkenntnissen auf Internet-Seiten mit Kinder-Pornografischen Inhalten.

Andreas Klamm erklärte: „Diese emails stammen nicht von mir und wurden nachweisbar NICHT von mir versendet. Erst vor wenigen Monaten wurden mehrere Tausend emails mit der Adresse andreasklamm@hotmail.com mit Viren-Anhang in alle Welt verschickt. Der Vorgang wurde bei der Polizei angezeigt. Es geht meinen Erkenntnissen darum die Kommunikation in jeder Form unmöglich zu machen. Das Verschicken von Nachrichten und Nachrichten-Meldungen ist NICHT mehr möglich. Damit haben die Verbrecher ihr Ziel erreicht, dass eine schwere Ruf- und Geschäftsschädigung des Journalisten-Büros Andreas Klamm erreicht wird.“

Erst gestern haben sich Zeugen bei Wikipedia Deutschland gemeldet, die dem Französisch-deutschen Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten und Autor, Betrug im Zusammenhang mit den „angeblich von ihm veröffentlichen sieben Büchern“ vorgeworfen haben.

"Bücher von Andreas Klamm gibt es nicht, die Angaben seien falsch.", wissen die Zeugen. Den Verlag den der französisch-deutsche Journalist benannt hat, „gibt es nicht, es gebe keine Nachweise für die Veröffentlichung von Büchern von Andreas Klamm.

Unterdessen dauern die Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft und von Polizei, offenbar unbestätigten Informationen, noch an in Bezug auf den Spenden-Betrug, den Andreas Klamm im Jahr 2007 begangen haben soll.

Mehrere Zeugen aus Nürnberg werfen in der SCHRIFTFORM vor, der französisch-deutsche Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist und Autor so SPENDEN-BETRUG in Höhe von geschätzten 900 Milliarden Euro begangen haben.

Die Zeugen werfen Andreas Klamm vor, er habe beim "Fest für arme Menschen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein", arme, behinderte, kranke Menschen und Menschen in schwerster Not wissentlich und mit Vorsatz bestohlen.

Andreas Klamm erklärte: „Dokumentieren Sie die emails und erstatten Sie Strafanzeige bei der für Sie zuständigen Polizei-Behörden.“

Zum Vorwurf des Spenden-Betrugs in Milliarden-Euro-Höhe ergänzte der Beschuldigte:
„Kanzlerin Angela Merkel ist auch bekannt, wo das Geld ist, da ist die Macht. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Beamten des Bundeskriminalamtes in Wiesbaden fähig sind und Finanz-Transaktionen in Höhe mehrerer Milliarden Euro sicher nachweisen können, sofern diese bei meinem Konto bei der Ethik-Bank stattgefunden haben. LESEN SIE DIE EMAIL HEADER Informationen und Sie können zurück verfolgen von wem die emails tatsächlich stammen. Es ist der Polizei möglich mittels der Header Informationen die wahre Identität des oder der Absender zu ermitteln. Ich betrachte die Versendung gefälschter emails als den Versuch der vorsätzlichen Rufschädigung und Kriminalisierung.“

Nicht bestätigt von den Behörden wurden Informationen wonach gegen Klamm wegen des dringend Tatverdachts des Sozial-Betrugs im Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis ermittelt wird.
Der Journalist soll sich mehrere Tausend Euro Sozial-Hilfe vom Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis seit 2006 erschlichen haben. Der entstandene Schaden wird hier "nur" auf rund 30.000 Euro geschätzt.

Tausendfach wurde solche emails heute mit der Absender-Adresse: „andreasklamm@hotmail.com“ versendet.

Erst das Auslesen der Header – Informationen ermöglicht die wahre Identität der Absender zu ermitteln.

[AntiraKalender] ebay f?
antirakalender-bounces@listi.jpberlin.de on behalf of Andreas Klamm (andreasklamm@hotmail.com)
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

YouTube Bans Student Group's Video Showing Abuse at Planned Parenthood, Group Protests Politically Motivated Censorship

YouTube Bans Student Group's Video Showing Abuse at Planned Parenthood, Group Protests Politically Motivated Censorship

MONTGOMERY, Alabama, July 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a censorship that appears politically motivated, the popular video-sharing site YouTube has blocked a video critical of Planned Parenthood made by the student-led nonprofit Live Action. The video shows a Planned Parenthood clinic in Birmingham offering to "bend the rules" of Alabama's parental consent and mandatory reporting laws in order to cover up statutory rape with a secret abortion, and has opened an investigation by the state Attorney General's Office into the nation's largest abortion provider.

YouTube offered no prior warning or specific explanation for removing the video, which contains no apparent violations of YouTube's "community guidelines." After remaining up for ten days, the video had several thousand views and had been linked to by many news organizations. YouTube has previously censored Live Action videos, and the latest removal casts further doubt on the video-sharing site's professed regard for free speech and political neutrality.

Lila Rose, 20-year-old president of Live Action, says YouTube should not side with Planned Parenthood, especially in light of its incriminating behavior. "It is an outrage for YouTube to arbitrarily censor a video that has sparked a state investigation and national concern," said Rose. "The people of Alabama and the public at large have a right to know how Planned Parenthood really treats vulnerable young girls."

In the video, a Planned Parenthood staffer named "Tanisha" tells Rose, posing as a 14-year-old impregnated by her 31-year-old "boyfriend," that "whatever you tell us stays within these walls." Tanisha also says that Dr. Desiree Bates, the OB- GYN manager of the clinic, "does bend the rules a little bit" regarding compliance with mandatory reporting laws and parental consent laws for abortion. To date, Planned Parenthood has offered no public apology for the incident and no formal admission of guilt, but has offered to "conduct an internal, fact- based review." Planned Parenthood is now under investigation by the state Attorney General's office.

Alabama Attorney General Troy King has called the video's content "extremely troubling," and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said, "Anyone who sees [the video] should be disturbed by it." The video is the sixth produced by the student-led nonprofit Live Action in its "Mona Lisa Project," revealing what appears to be the systematic cover-up of sexual abuse by Planned Parenthood.

Rose also stated that her group released a full version of the undercover footage to the public today: "Even as Planned Parenthood covers up sexual abuse and YouTube bans the evidence, we will continue to make the facts available to the public. Everyone should be allowed to view the footage and draw their own conclusions about illicit activity at Planned Parenthood."

The full audio from the Alabama investigation can be viewed on Live Action's website at www.liveaction.org/alabama/fullaudio.htm

Learn more about The Mona Lisa Project, Live Action's multi-state investigation of Planned Parenthood here: www.liveaction.org/monalisa

Are You a Spiritual Fast-Food Junkie? Author Encourages Readers to Take an Active Part in their Spiritual Health

Are You a Spiritual Fast-Food Junkie? Author Encourages Readers to Take an Active Part in their Spiritual Health

ENUMCLAW, Wash., July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Author and former bodybuilder Christine Prescott compares the importance of physical health to spiritual health in her new book, "Spiritual Nutrition - Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart" (WinePress, 2009).

A public speaker, Prescott realized the connection between spiritual and physical nutrition while preparing for a women's event.

"I was thinking about nutrition and how eating would help me get more out of my workouts. I wondered if the nutrients in food could be compared to what our spirits need. Food and diet consume our thoughts. Christians need to be just as concerned with spiritual food."

"Spiritual Nutrition" utilizes what is already a major part of everyone's life--food and healthy eating--to help Christians develop healthy spiritual habits. Five core spiritual nutrients are identified and compared with their physical counterparts. Chapter titles include:

· Get Rid of Spiritual Flab

· Evaluate Your Spiritual Health

· Spiritual Protein

· Carbohydrates for Spiritual Energy

· Healthy Fats for a Healthy Heart

· Spiritual Vitamins and Missing Nutrients

· More Nutrients With Less Effort

"Just as the flab in our physical bodies will only go away through consistently healthy eating and exercise, our spiritual flab can only be removed through a good spiritual diet and exercise that becomes a part of our lives every day."

Born and raised in Oregon, Prescott is a former elementary school teacher, attorney, body builder, pastor, and public speaker. Today she works as a hospital chaplain, and regularly writes and speaks on the subject of Spiritual nutrition. She and her husband live in Missoula, Montana.

For more information, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview, please contact Abigail Davidson by phone at 360-802-9758, by email at abigail@winepressgroup.com, or by fax at 360-802- 9992. To purchase a copy of this book visit www.winepressbooks.com or call 877-421-7323.

Pro-Life Organizations Announce Efforts to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions in the Obama/Pelosi Health Care Plan

Pro-Life Organizations Announce Efforts to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions in the Obama/Pelosi Health Care Plan

WASHINGTON, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- The name of the campaign is called "Abortion is Not Health Care" and it will begin on Sunday, July 26, in Washington, D.C.

A vote on the $1.5 trillion bill has been tentatively scheduled for the last week of July before the August recess.

"Abortion is Not Health Care" will include public prayer vigils, rallies, lobbying, demonstrations and cutting edge pro-life witness on Capitol Hill.

President Obama and his team have said that taxpayer funded abortions would be included in his health care plan.

The campaign will focus on fighting to ensure that:

· Not one penny of public money is used to pay for abortions.

· The "Conscience Clause" is not removed from health providers that decline to perform abortions.

· No federal mandate requiring health plans to cover abortions.

· No state law restricting abortion would be invalidated.

· Planned Parenthood never becomes an "essential community health provider."

"Abortion is Not Health Care" is being organized by the Christian Defense Coalition and Operation Rescue.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,

"The most critical item on the pro-life agenda is stopping the Obama/Pelosi health care plan which includes taxpayer funded abortions. If abortion becomes part of a health care entitlement, it will add at least 25 years to our struggle toward ending the violence of abortion in America.

"If President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have their way, Pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals would be forced to pay for abortions. People of good will who believe that human rights begin in the womb would have to pay for the brutal crushing of that innocent life.

"'Abortion is Not Health Care' will be a public and prophetic witness to ensure that tax dollars are never used to diminish women and trample social justice.

"President Obama talks about being a progressive leader who embraces human rights and equality for all. It is tragic that he would turn health care, which is supposed to heal and bring comfort to those in need, into something that destroys innocent life."

For more information or interviews call:

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735

Sky Angel Welcomes AmericanLife TV Network(tm) (ALN) to Channel Lineup

Sky Angel Welcomes AmericanLife TV Network(tm) (ALN) to Channel Lineup

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Sky Angel, a national provider of faith-based and family-friendly television and radio programming, announces the addition of the popular "baby boomer" network AmericanLife TV Network(tm) (ALN) to their channel lineup. Programming is now available on Channel 303 to subscribers with the Family Package or Family Values Pak.

"AmericanLife TV Network's programming is a great fit for Sky Angel's subscribers as part of our Family channel lineup," says Tom Scott, Sky Angel's President and COO. "They are devoted to broadcasting classic TV shows and safe, family- oriented programming. AmericanLife TV features sitcoms like The Bob Newhart Show, prime-time dramas including Mission Impossible, LA Law and Hill Street Blues, cooking, decorating, and life management programs plus classic weekend movies that the entire family can enjoy watching together."

ALN CEO Chris Wyatt commented, "Sky Angel is a valued provider and a natural choice for ALN. All of us at ALN are dedicated to serving American families by creating a safe, wholesome environment without objectionable content or inappropriate commercials. We look forward to launching our new line-up of original ALN programming for families in the near future."

Sky Angel offers subscribers over 80 television and radio channels of faith-based and family-friendly broadcasts, with entertainment, educational, sports and news programming that is completely compatible with your current TV service. Sky Angel does not require a dish or antenna, is easily installed, and includes value-added features like 48-hour playback on all Faith-based television channels plus an ever- growing Video-On-Demand library with free and fee- based selections, with subscription packages starting at $14.99 per month. To learn more, or to subscribe, visit www.skyangel.com or call 1-800-SKY-ANGEL (1-800-759-2643).

About Sky Angel:
Sky Angel® U.S. LLC is a Christian-owned multi- channel provider of faith-based and family-friendly television and radio programming. Founded by Robert Johnson Sr. more than 27 years ago, Sky Angel was created to provide a Christ-centered and family- friendly alternative to the standard television fare. Since then, his vision has grown into a service providing quality television and radio programming to all corners of the United States. Sky Angel carries the Parents Television Council's® prestigious Entertainment Seal of Approval(tm), which recognizes excellence and social responsibility in programming.

About AmericanLife TV Network(tm):
AmericanLife Network is dedicated to delivering wholesome family programming targeting the 78 million US baby boomers. The network features memorable situational comedies, dramas, classic movies, and original programs 24 hours a day.

The network was recently acquired by Reverend Robert A. Schuller and Chris Wyatt with plans to build out a premiere family-friendly network that will amalgamate television and Internet mediums and fill a void for safe, family programming targeting viewers of all ages. More information is available online at www.americanlifetv.com.

Three Contestants Sent Home on 'Gospel Dream' Last Night, but One is Saved

Three Contestants Sent Home on 'Gospel Dream' Last Night, but One is Saved

Series Now Down to Six Semi-Finalists

ATLANTA, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Gospel Music Channel ( www.gospelmusicchannel.com) television network's American Idol®-style talent search series Gospel Dream is now down to six semi-finalists as last night, in another week of surprises, twists, turns and amazing performances, two contestants were voted out. Viewers can catch special encores of the episode Saturday, July 18 (10:00 P.M., 1:00 A.M.) and Sunday, July 19 (8:00 P.M., 10:00 P.M.) on GMC. All times eastern.

It was guy's night as NeVar Massey, Hampton, GA (34); Robert Mauti, Nashville, TN (26); Tim Stylez, Atlanta, GA (27); Tony LeBron, Boca Raton, FL (32); and Travis Lindseth, Kirkland, WA (21) hit the stage. Songs performed included: "Bless the Lord" (Massey); "Change the World" (Mauti); "Praise Him in Advance" (Stylez); "Power of One" (LeBron) and "You Are Everything" (Lindseth). The guys were helped by surprise coach, Michael Tait, original member of the legendary group dcTalk and new lead vocalist for newsboys. The judges voted out Massey, Stylez and Lindseth -- but then allowed the three remaining female contestants, Amber Davies, Brownsville, TN (Age 18), Erin Lyder, Boston, MA (24) and Jasmine Jackson, Murfreesboro, TN (21) -- to save one of the outcasts. The three ladies elected to bring back NeVar Massey, who lives to sing another day along with Robert Mauti and Tony LeBron.

The remaining six contestants are now in the Gospel Dream semi-finals, which will be seen on GMC Weds. July 22 at 10:00 P.M. ET/9:00 P.M. CT. In addition to the contestants singing for their shot at stardom, Dream judge and star in his own right J. Moss will perform. Three will be eliminated next week and three will go to the finals, where the Gospel Dream season four winner will be crowned on July 29.

The judges deciding the fate of the contestants are: Michelle Williams from the GRAMMY- winning group "Destiny's Child"; one of Gospel music's most prolific talents, J. Moss; and one of the music industry's most respected executives, Mitchell Solarek. Kimberley Locke, the first American Idol® alumnae to debut at #1 on the Billboard charts with a non-Idol single, serves as co-host along with Mike Kasem ("MTV's Top 20 Video Countdown" "American Top 10"). In addition, two major musical artists will serve as surprise coaches during the season. The theme for the Gospel Dream's fourth season: The Greatest Inspirational Songs of All Time.

GMC now gives viewers a chance to catch the previous week's Gospel Dream episode immediately before the new episode premiere:

GMC's New Weds. Night Line-Up
8:00 P.M. Clash of the Choirs
9:00 P.M. Gospel Dream (Encore of Previous Week)
10:00 P.M. Gospel Dream (New Episode Premiere)
All Times Eastern

Gospel Dream talent auditions invited solo artists between the ages of 16-40, from all genres of Gospel/Christian music styles, including traditional, rock, pop, country and soul to compete for the final competition in Nashville from which ten finalists-- and ultimately one winner--will be chosen by a celebrity panel of industry professionals. The winning artist will receive record and music video exposure, among other prizes.

The Gospel Dream series was created by Executive Producer Elvin Ross, who is also the series' executive producer and musical director. Gospel Music Channel is the fastest-growing network in television and can be seen in 45 million homes on various cable systems around the country, on DIRECTV on channel 338 and on Verizon FiOS on channel 224.

New Discoveries

New Discoveries

BOSTON, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Until all loads come to bear on any structure, one cannot be certain how strong and safe it is. For two hundred and twenty-two years, the Constitution of the United States has been in operation and everyone always assumed that its structure has been safe and sound. Or is it? During the 2000 election debacle between President Bush and Al Gore, the networks were showing the world's reaction to the crisis. On the front page of Le Monde, a French national newspaper, the headline was "L'amerique est en panne", translated, "America broke down." When you take a closer look at America's institutions, including the judiciary, the financial system, the news media, academic and research institutions and the diplomatic apparatus, Health institutions, and other institutions, cannot one truly say that America broke down?

In 1999, a newspaper in Somerville, MA printed an entire article titled the 'Power of Architecture', without giving any credit to the magazine, our publication. An MIT Professor, not long ago, interviewed by Wolf Blitzer, CNN, after a German billionaire committed suicide for financial lost, almost as a direct quote indicated the same things published in the magazine. On the front cover of the May 2009 issue of Scientific American, was a cloned, inverted image of the second issue of the magazine published by the author in 1998. One might wonder, what have that MIT professor and many others been reading?

The Great Tragedy and the End of all Sorrows, a book that was in production and now controversially stopped, a book touching on a multitude of issues all tied-up together, with fresh new ideas on every issue presented, that deals with the world's most pressing issues. It is about the failure of the Constitution of the United States and the judicial system, religion and faith, the papacy, psychiatry, the news media, race, homosexuality, architecture, Haiti and the politics and diplomacy of Western powers, evolution, the Bible and God. This book is written with in-depth, and analysis that will enlighten you on these issues.

Not included in the book, is a meticulous, scientific research on the AIDS virus that has bit by bit dismantled the Arizona University's research.

For more information you can check out this website below which includes the HIV/AIDS research paper titled: The Cause of HIV/AIDS: Beyond the Polemics of Science at www.totustuusdesign.com.

House Pro-Life Members Muzzled by Pelosi's Pro-Abortion Leadership

House Pro-Life Members Muzzled by Pelosi's Pro-Abortion Leadership

House Narrowly Passes Legislation to Allow Taxpayer-Funded Abortion in the District of Columbia

WASHINGTON, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today the president of the Susan B. Anthony List commented on today's House passage of H.R. 3170, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, by a vote of 219 to 208.

"Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to expand taxpayer funding for abortion in our nation's capitol, but it didn't come easily for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her abortion allies like Planned Parenthood," said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Pro-life leaders from both sides of the aisle used every tool at their disposal to allow an up-or-down vote on the measure. President Obama's decision to force American taxpayers to foot the bill for abortions in the District of Columbia will cause the deaths of at least 1,000 more unborn children each year. Instead of continuing the long tradition of open and fair debate on appropriations bills, Speaker Pelosi muzzled not just Republicans, but even members of her own caucus. President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are on a collision course with broad public opposition to taxpayer-funding for abortion. Today's battle will only be the first of many, as more Representatives strive to better represent the views of pro-life America by passing laws that will truly save lives."

Today the House refused to consider a bipartisan amendment offered by Reps. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) and Lincoln Davis (D-TN) to restore a ban on taxpayer- funded abortion in D.C. The House voted 216- 213 on House Resolution 644 to block the Tiahrt/Davis amendment, as well as other amendments dealing with social issues, from receiving an up-or-down vote on the floor of the House. Representatives John Dingell (D-MI), Marion Berry (D-AR), Gary Peters (D-MI), and Walt Minnick (D- ID) all switched their votes as the vote was held open. During subsequent consideration on the floor, a GOP- sponsored Motion to Recommit that would have allowed an up-or-down vote was ruled out of order, and an appeal was denied. Earlier this year 180 members of Congress signed a bipartisan letter to House Democratic Leadership asking for an up-or- down vote on any elimination of so-called pro-life riders, which ban the use of taxpayer funding for abortion. Read more from the Associated Press.

"I join with hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans nationwide in thanking both Republican and Democratic pro-life leaders for their strong, compelling fight to honor the women of the District of Columbia with life-affirming solutions that help both mother and child. It is always welcome to see pro-life leaders like Rep. Todd Tiarht (R-KS), Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN), Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA), Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Oh), Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IL) all join forces to back up their words with serious legislative action to protect women and the unborn."

Susan B. Anthony List activists have sent over 340,000 letters urging Congress to keep taxpayer funds from supporting abortion on-demand in 2009, 118,000 of which opposed funding for D.C. abortions.

The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 162,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.


Nordskog Publishing, Inc. Christian Books Now on Kindle, and International Translations

Nordskog Publishing, Inc. Christian Books Now on Kindle, and International Translations

MEDIA ADVISORY July 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- Though Nordskog has been in the publishing industry for many years (Powerboat Magazine) NPI is fairly new to the Christian book publishing industry with their first books coming out in November 2007. Since that time they have continued to produce quality Christian books, easy to read, timely, books with subjects of importance to Christian living.

God's Ten Commandments: Yesterday, Today, Forever, by Francis Nigel Lee (released by NPI, Nov. 2007) is now available on the Amazon Kindle book reader -- the fastest way to get your book on-line. Though still available in its original, beautiful, paperback, version, the Kindle version is only $8.95 and may be obtained by following this link.

NPI has more books scheduled for availability on Amazon Kindle in the upcoming months.

Two other NPI books are expanding internationally through various translations.

Died He for Me: A Physicians View of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by Dr. Mark Marinella, was originally published December 2008 in English. The book was such a huge success for the Easter Holiday that it has now been translated into Spanish and Indonesian.

A Whole New World: The Gospel According to Revelation, by Greg Uttinger, was also published originally in English (January 2007) is now available in Portuguese as well as the original English version.

Please visit our www.NordskogPublishing.com or call to order 805-642-2070.

Former Chauvinist Inspired to Write Book that Teaches Women How to be Women and Men How to Live with Them

Former Chauvinist Inspired to Write Book that Teaches Women How to be Women and Men How to Live with Them

BURLINGTON, NJ, July 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a world filled with men from Mars and women from Venus, Eric F. Ricks thinks he has finally learned the secret to peace in the home and elsewhere. He is learning to speak Venusian

"It took nearly 50 years of marriage and 35 years of leading and teaching others, but I think I finally understand women," Ricks, 68. "Okay, I'll say that I get them a little bit better than I did years ago. At least now, I try to understand their language."

Ricks, who is senior pastor and founder of Faith Deliverance Worship Center, Inc., on Route 130 North in Burlington, N.J., is the author of a captivating new book on women titled Woman, God Made You A Queen For Life (Anointed Word Media Group/Men of Standard, 2008). The former, self-proclaimed chauvinist said that God gave him insight into the nature of women several years ago when he was preparing to teach his congregation a lesson on the family.

"They say when the purpose of a thing is not understood, abuse is inevitable," he admits. "I must say for many years I was insensitive and really just didn't understand the nature and the role of women as God created them."

"When I received this revelation about the bilateral essence of women and the fact that they are 'queens' in God's eyes, it was like waking up from a long sleep," said Ricks, whose wife of 46 years, Minister Vernell Ricks, serves in ministry with him. "I get it now and I know I must share it."

Now, this husband, pastor, teacher, mentor and friend has turned that life-altering message into a book that he believes will liberate and empower women to embrace and walk into their God-given purpose in their marriages, families, churches, and in society.

Woman, God Made You A Queen For Life offers spiritual insights, practical guidelines, and honest testimonies that will challenge women to learn and grow into the "queens" that God intended them to be. It also unveils mysteries tucked away in the Scriptures to help men gain a more profound understanding of and appreciation for the women in their lives.

For more information about Pastor Eric F. Ricks or Woman, God Made You A Queen For Life, contact Genikwa R. Williams at 609-216-0268 or at info@JordanMediaGroup.org.

Rep. Tiahrt's Abortion Remarks Reveal Painful Truth Liberals Don't Want Public to Know

Rep. Tiahrt's Abortion Remarks Reveal Painful Truth Liberals Don't Want Public to Know

Tax-funding of abortions in Washington, DC would further target Black population.

WASHINGTON, July 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Kansas Rep. Todd Tiahrt made remarks in opposition to tax-funding of abortion, which would increase abortion especially among the impoverished, predominately Black communities of Washington, D.C.

Rep. Tiahrt rightly noted that tax-funded abortion would "encourage women who are single parents, living below the poverty level, to have the opportunity for a free abortion."

He then remarked that if tax-funded abortion had been available, perhaps President Obama or Clarence Thomas may have been aborted.

"If you take that scenario and apply it to many of the great minds we have today, who would we have been deprived of? Our president grew up in those similar circumstances. If that financial incentive was in place, is it possible that his mother may have taken advantage of it?" Rep. Tiahrt said.

Now Rep. Tiahrt is taking criticism from liberal press and politicians. Some are even asking for an apology.

However, Tiahrt's remarks were exactly on point, and actually did not go far enough. He is criticized for mentioning two Black men that could have been aborted if their mothers had been offered government subsidized abortions. In fact, Black women are disproportionately targeted for abortion.

The abortion movement in America was founded with racist motives designed to eliminate the Black population. (Full documentation available in Life Dynamics, Inc. documentary "Maafa 21.")

Today, the abortion rate for Black women is five times higher than the abortion rate for white women. While only 13% of American women are Black, they account for 36% of all abortions.

Just last year, a Planned Parenthood office in Idaho was caught encouraging donations to pay for abortions on Black women.

"The bill that Rep. Tiahrt bravely opposed would further target vulnerable Black women for abortions. It is racist at its core," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

"But after 50 million abortions on all races, it is clear that we have been denied those who would have enriched us as a people. Have we aborted the one who would have had the intellect and inspiration to find a cure for cancer, or find ways new to feed the hungry? It is a legitimate question that needs to be asked, because the societal impact of abortion is deep and devastating, and affects us all. The last thing abortion promoters want is dialog on this subject."

Watch Rep. Todd Tiahrt's remarks.

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Are You a Spiritual Fast-Food Junkie? Author Encourages Readers to Take an Active Part in their Spiritual Health

Are You a Spiritual Fast-Food Junkie? Author Encourages Readers to Take an Active Part in their Spiritual Health

ENUMCLAW, Wash., July 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- All over the internet you can find people searching for some form of spirituality. Blogs, message boards, and websites discuss this topic of getting closer to God in some way. According to one online Christian article, we play a role in whether or not this happens. "God makes it clear that we can cultivate His presence in our lives," Daniel W. Jarvis states in his article "Getting close to God: Is it Realistic to Seek Him?" He goes on to explain that, while God is everywhere all the time, we can pursue Him with expectancy, knowing that He promises to meet with everyone who seeks Him sincerely and passionately. So, if people want and supposedly have some control over our closeness with God, how can they have what they crave?

In his new book "God Wants You Closer to Him," Robin L. Conners reveals that a desired close relationship is not one sided. Conners offers guidance to those who seek a closer relationship with God. "The way to get closer to him," Conners says in the book's introduction, "is by understanding His words in the Bible and how to apply them to your everyday life." The author shows how possible this is by weaving his own experiences throughout the chapters as examples of how God got his attention, taught him, and helped him to grow in spiritual understanding. Conners offers biblical evidence of God's desire to have a one-on-one relationship with believers, as well as revealing how to have an effective prayer life, persevere through trials, deal with anger and temptation, and experience God's peace and protection. Conners helps readers put the pieces of their faith-life together in a way that allows them to see the hand of God working and drawing them closer to Him through all of it.

Robin L. Conners is an Air Force veteran and Quality Assurance Evaluator for the Air Force Academy in Colorado. A lifetime resident of Colorado Springs, CO, Conners is an outdoorsman who loves hiking, camping and backpacking. But his favorite hobby, he says, is learning about God and how to serve and grow closer to Him.

For a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact Abigail Davidson at 360-802-9758 or abigail@winepressgroup.com. To order a copy visit us online at www.winepressbooks.com or call 1-877- 421-7323.

President Obama, Stop Playing Games and Manipulating the American Public Concerning Taxpayer Funded Abortions

President Obama, Stop Playing Games and Manipulating the American Public Concerning Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Step away from the teleprompter and just be honest with us.

WASHINGTON, July 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Christian Defense Coalition calls for candor and transparency by President Obama concerning public monies being used to pay for abortions.

The faith organization called for this openness after White House budget chief Peter Orszag was asked on "Fox News Sunday" if federal funds would be used to pay for abortions in the Obama health care plan.

His response, "I am not prepared to say explicitly that right now. It's obviously a controversial issue. I'm not prepared to rule it out."

It is clear the President is not leveling with the American people because if they knew their tax dollars would be paying for abortions they would never support Mr. Obama's health care initiative.

The Christian Defense Coalition along with other pro- life and human rights organizations is beginning a campaign called "Abortion is Not Health Care" on July 26.

They have already secured permits for the week on Capitol Hill.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,

"President Obama ran on a campaign on transparency and openness in government. He promised his Administration would be different than past Administrations. Sadly, this is just another broken promise by the President.

"When it comes to being open, candid and honest with the American public on taxpayer funded abortions the White House is being manipulative and vague. They know if the American public discovered that President Obama wants public monies to be used to pay for abortions they would never support his health care reform plan.

"During the Presidential campaign, Mr. Obama made it clear he wanted taxpayer funded abortions to be a major part of health care. Now he is trying to downplay these policies.

"We call upon President Obama to stop playing games and manipulating the American public and come clean. Are taxpayer funded abortions a part of your health care initiative? It is a simple and straight forward question that deserves a straight forward answer.

"Please Mr. President step away from the teleprompter and just be honest with us."

For more information or interviews call: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741, 202.547.1735

New ECFA Workshop Delivers Key Resources for Recession-Proofing Ministries and Churches

New ECFA Workshop Delivers Key Resources for Recession-Proofing Ministries and Churches

'Focusing on the Basics in Changing Times' Workshop Launches This Fall in Six U.S. Cities

WINCHESTER, Va., July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Evangelical Association for Financial Accountability (ECFA) will launch its new workshop series, "Focusing on the Basics in Changing Times: Recession Proofing Ministries and Churches," in Seattle, Wash., on Sept. 3.

The workshop features presentations from ECFA executive staff, area professionals and prominent ministry experts on a variety of topics, including best church practices, best websites to increase giving and nonprofit tax, legal and accounting issues. It also will be held in Chattanooga, Tenn. (Sept. 15), Charlotte, N.C. (Sept. 17), Grand Rapids, Mich. (Oct. 21), Minneapolis, Minn. (Oct. 22) and Cincinnati, Ohio (Nov. 5).

"Churches and faith-based nonprofits are seeking guidance on how to ensure their ministries thrive despite the recession," said Dan Busby, president of ECFA. "We want to use this workshop to provide ministry and church leaders and board members with the tools and resources they need to meet the financial challenges ahead by focusing on financial integrity, accountability, strategic fundraising and best practices."

According to a recent survey, nearly 50 percent of Christian nonprofits cut their overall budgets for the 2009 fiscal year. "Focusing on the Basics in Changing Times: Recession Proofing Ministries and Churches" is a full-day workshop designed to help this segment of nonprofits adapt to the changing financial landscape and develop and implement plans to overcome the common financial challenges that many churches and ministries are facing.

The workshop is tailored for church pastors, ministry heads, board members, financial managers, chief executive officers and other church and ministry staff members. Presentations will focus on a variety of topics, including stewardship, leadership, church issues, board governance, legal issues, small church and nonprofit issues and financial management. Scheduled presentations include "Emerging Trends in Nonprofit Governance," "God, Generous Giving and Asking" and "Fraud Prevention for Ministries."

Dan Busby, CPA, president of ECFA, ,Wes Willmer, Ph.D., senior vice-president of ECFA, and Brian Kluth, D.D, nationally known speakers and authors, are among workshop presenters and speakers. Other speakers include: Michael Batts, CPA; Nick Wallace, CPA, John Butler, J.D.; Elisa Morgan, publisher of "FulFill;" and Tom Winters, CPA, J.D., founding partner of Winters & King, Inc.

Registration fees are $49 for ECFA members and $99 for non-members. Groups of five or more will receive a $10 discount.

ECFA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. Up to five continuing professional education credits may be available for attending this workshop.

For more information on "Focusing on the Basics in Changing Times: Recession Proofing Ministries and Churches," including a full slate of speakers, and to register, visit www.ecfa.org.

ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with the ECFA standards pertaining to financial accountability, fund-raising and board governance. For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit www.ecfa.org or call 1- 800-323-9473.

To schedule an interview with an executive staff member of ECFA or other workshop presenters, contact Ty Mays at (770) 256-8710 or tmays@inchristcommunications.com.

Apple Release Purity Ring iPhone App

Apple Release Purity Ring iPhone App

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- iPhone App Development Agency, Island Wall Entertainment, have developed a PurityRing iPhone App in attempt to engage with today's youth using new mediums.

Anyone with a iPhone or iPod Touch can now take a Purity Pledge via their mobile device and then proudly display their timeless Purity Ring spinning on the screen.

The App has a built in pledge for both genders that contains a pre-recorded pledge that the user must confirm before being able to display their Ring on an infinite loop.

Island Wall Entertainment believe the digital Purity Ring will compliment existing pledges and traditional Purity Rings whilst potentially reaching a completely new international demographic and spreading the word of benefits of staying pure until marriage.

Company Director, Henry E Bennett commented, "This is an exciting opportunity to reach a whole new generation of people, on a platform that has never been used to spread this important message."

Product Name: PurityRing iPhone App
Available: iTunes / iPhone App Store
Release Date: Tuesday 14h July 2009
Price: $0.99

Island Wall Entertainment appreciate your support for the product and hope that you will be able to publicize the PurityRing App and help spread the message. If you are interested in reviewing the App, please contact us and we will send you a code to access a free copy.

More information is available at:
PurityRing App is available for sale via the iTunes Store & via iPhone App Store from Friday 14th July 2009. The App can be purchased directly from:
http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/vi ewSoftware?id=322278959&mt=8

Senators Considering Sotomayor Should Take Notice of Delays in Florida Born-Alive Baby Killing Case

Senators Considering Sotomayor Should Take Notice of Delays in Florida Born-Alive Baby Killing Case

Personal biases may have prevented this case from moving forward, if not for public outcry.

MIAMI, July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- The criminal trial of Belkis Gonzalez, who was charged with two felony counts related to the death of a baby born alive during a botched abortion in Hialeah, Florida, in 2006, has been delayed. Just two days before the scheduled July 9th trial date, a new prosecutor, Gail Levine, was assigned to the case, prompting Judge John Thornton to reschedule the trial to begin on October 9, 2009 at 9:00 AM.

"This is an open and shut case that has been characterized by foot-dragging and delay. Three years is a long time to wait for a case that should have been prosecuted within months," said Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger. "But it is likely that it would never have been prosecuted without public pressure brought to bear on a reluctant State Attorney's office that obviously allowed personal biases to affect judgment."

Gonzalez was on duty in July of 2006, at an abortion clinic in Hialeah, Florida, when a patient of abortionist Pierre Renelique came in to complete an abortion procedure she began the previous day. Renelique did not show up or respond to calls. When the woman birthed Baby Shanice, who was in her 24th week of gestation, the baby was moving and gasping for breath. Gonzalez cut the baby's umbilical cord, shoved her into a biohazard bag, then tossed her body on the roof.

On a tip, the police recovered Shanice's body. An autopsy confirmed that Shanice was born alive. At 24 weeks, babies are considered to be viable, or able to survive outside the womb.

For two and a half years, prosecutors dragged their feet over the decision to charge Gonzalez.

Then in February, 2009, the Florida Medical Board stripped Renelique of his license, declaring him a danger to the public. This prompted forty-four members of the Florida House of Representatives to call for Gonzalez's arrest. Within days, at Operation Rescue's request, pro-lifers held a press conference outside the State Attorney's office demanding that Gonzalez be charged. Within a week, prosecutors arrested and jailed Gonzalez on two felony counts for practicing medicine without a license and evidence tampering.

Gonzalez was previously convicted of practicing medicine without a license in February, 2008, for illegally doing abortions at a Miramar abortion clinic. She is currently serving five years of probation as she awaits trial.

"It is clear that Gonzalez is a habitual offender who will only learn her lesson behind bars, but when abortion is involved, there is often a reluctance to prosecute," said Sullenger.

"This is what happens when prosecutors and even judges allow their personal feelings about abortion to interfere with justice. This case should be a lesson to Senators who are considering the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Sotomayor has shown a similar inclination to allow her personal beliefs to trump the rule of law. That kind of partiality only leads to injustice. Without public pressure, it is very likely this case would have been swept under the rug. But thankfully, injustice was averted and we look forward to justice being served in a court of law."

Read search warrant and arrest warrant

About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Faith & Family Entertainment LLC Launches Subscription Video-On-Demand Movie Service with Cox Communications

Faith & Family Entertainment LLC Launches Subscription Video-On-Demand Movie Service with Cox Communications

LOS ANGELES, July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faith & Family Entertainment LLC, the leading producer of wholesome, Christian- themed movies and miniseries in Hollywood, today announced the launch of a subscription-based movie service with Cox Communications. The new video-on- demand service will soon provide Cox customers with access to 20 faith-based, family-friendly movies each month -- including six original, never-before-seen films.

The new service will be accessible to Cox Communications Digital Cable customers who subscribe to the package by selecting the "Faith and Family Movies" category from the On DEMAND menu. All of the programming is available to subscribers on an unlimited basis, 24 hours a day, at anytime with no commercial interruption for only $6.99 per month. Original faith-based series and mini-series will be added to the service's on-demand programming in the future.

"Christian audiences have been asking for a consistent source of first-class, faith-based entertainment from Hollywood for years and Faith & Family Entertainment is dedicated to serving this growing demand," said Paul Balelo, Vice-President Corporate Communications for Faith & Family Entertainment. "Our team has produced more than 130 high-quality Christian and family films, including the 'Love Comes Softly' series, the most successful Christian movie franchise ever. Our goal is to deliver superior, wholesome entertainment to America's living rooms, and we are proud that Cox is our first partner in this endeavor."

The original films produced by Faith & Family Entertainment LLC to premiere on "Faith & Family Movies" will be based on stories of faith, love, hope, redemption and family. All films in each month's offering will be select, mainstream movies with major stars, such as Katherine Heigl, James Earl Jones, Faith Ford, Shirley Jones, Eriq LaSalle, Meredith Baxter, Ed Asner, Lori Loughlin, Cicely Tyson and Christian Bale.

"We are pleased to expand our On DEMAND lineup by partnering with Faith & Family Entertainment, to bring faith-based, family-friendly movies directly to our subscribers," said Bob Nocera, director of marketing, new video services for Cox. "Through this partnership, Cox Communications further strengthens its On DEMAND service so that our subscribers now have convenient access to high-quality, family-focused content to view on their schedule, in the comfort of their own homes."

About Faith & Family Entertainment LLC
Faith & Family Entertainment LLC is the leading producer of wholesome, Christian-themed movies and miniseries in the world today. With a team comprised of Hollywood filmmakers and executives who have produced more than 130 Christian and family films, Faith & Family Entertainment is dedicated to meeting the growing demand for high-quality, faith- based entertainment for entire families to enjoy together from the comfort of their homes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grieving Families Prepare to Visit Portland

Grieving Families Prepare to Visit Portland

PORTLAND, Ore., July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- The nation's largest bereavement conference will be held in Portland, Oregon by The Compassionate Friends August 7-9 when as many as 1200 parents, siblings, and grandparents from across the country, grieving the death of a child, will converge on the city. This will be The Compassionate Friends 32nd National Conference, which includes its tenth Walk to Remember.

All those attending will have one thing in common, their family has been torn apart by the death of a child, whether it happened two weeks ago or 40 years.

"This is a unique conference because everyone has experienced what most consider the ultimate loss, the death of a child within the family," says Patricia Loder, executive director of the 615 chapter national nonprofit bereavement organization. "We gather together in a nurturing atmosphere of acceptance, validation, understanding, and hope."

Keynote speakers include: Candy Lightner, founder of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD); Reg and Maggie Green whose donation of organs from their son Nicholas after he was killed by highway bandits in Italy created a movement that has saved thousands of lives; Darcie Sims, internationally known grief speaker; and Michelle Longo Eder, accomplished local attorney and author of Salt in Our Blood--the Memoirs of a Fisherman's Wife that talks about the death of her son after the fishing boat he's in capsizes.

Nearly 100 workshops on various facets of grief will be held, as well as sharing sessions, memory boards, hospitality suites, and much more. The weekend includes a special professional performance of the Pulitzer Prize winning play Rabbit Hole about a couple's struggle with grief after the sudden death of their four-year-old son.

An estimated 10,000 children who have died from across the country will have their names carried by the more than 1,000 participants in the Walk to Remember. The Walk will start at 8 a.m. Sunday at the Portland Doubletree Lloyd Center where the conference is being held.

"As many as a third will be attending a TCF national conference for the first time," says Mrs. Loder, who herself is a twice bereaved parent. "We are doing everything possible to make them feel comfortable. Anyone who would like to attend, but has not yet registered, may do so at the conference."

For more information, please call 877-969-0010 or visit www.compassionatefriends.org.

If the Whole Truth Were to be Told, This Evening's CNBC Family Hour Special

If the Whole Truth Were to be Told, This Evening's CNBC Family Hour Special, 'Porn: Business of Pleasure,' Would Rather be Entitled: 'Adult Porn: Sordid Business of Exploitation, Misery and Crime'

NEW YORK, July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- This evening, at 8 pm Central Time, CNBC will air a special entitled, "Porn: Business of Pleasure," which (according to promotional material on CNBC's website) will take a "behind the scenes look inside the multi-billion dollar porn businesses, from the threats to its profitability to exclusive behind the scenes interviews with the industry's biggest stars to..."

Morality in Media President Robert Peters commented:

"Even in an industry where there are virtually no 'taboos' (standards) left, I don't anticipate anytime soon seeing a news program on cable TV entitled: 'Child Porn: Business of Pleasure.'

"Undoubtedly, individuals who create and view child pornography do obtain pleasure from their sordid efforts, at least until they are apprehended, publicly humiliated and sent to prison.

"Similarly, individuals of all ages also derive pleasure from viewing 'adult pornography,' at least until their exposure or addiction to 'adult pornography' leads to an 'unwanted pregnancy,' a sexually transmitted disease, the loss of a job, a broken marriage or a prison sentence.

"Some who participate in the production of 'adult pornography' may also derive pleasure from it, but the reality is that for most female 'participants' there is little pleasure in being degraded and abused in order to appeal to the prurient interests of the largely male audience who view it. Nor is there pleasure in contracting a sexually transmitted disease, including AIDS, as many 'participants' have done.

"But, some will say, unlike individuals that create, distribute, view or possess child pornography, businesses that create and distribute 'adult pornography' are not breaking any laws.

"Ignorance of the law may indeed explain why some seemingly reasonable people turn a blind eye to the problem of 'adult pornography.' The truth is, however, that criminal laws prohibiting distribution of obscene material have been on the books at the federal level since 1842 (and before that at the state level), and in the 1973 Miller v. California case the U.S. Supreme Court said: 'This much has been categorically settled by the Court, that obscene material is unprotected by the First Amendment.'

"The Miller Court went on to define the term 'obscene' in a manner intended to restrict the reach of federal and state obscenity laws to 'hardcore' pornography. And today, most pornography distributed commercially, whether online or on cable TV or elsewhere, is 'hardcore.'

"Admittedly, our nation's constitutional obscenity laws have not been enforced vigorously since the Reagan/Bush administrations, but that doesn't mean they can't be successfully enforced again. Paul Little ('Max Hardcore') can testify to that. According to its promotional material, CNBC 'caught up' with him 'just days' before he began serving a prison sentence for violating federal obscenity laws.

"But, some will say, the porn business is thriving, which is an indication that the average American no longer deems hardcore pornography unacceptable.

"Pornography defenders overlook at least three factors. First, much if not most pornography is consumed by a relatively small percentage of individuals who are addicted to it. Second, just because a person experiments with pornography or succumbs on occasion to the temptation to view it does not mean he is a devotee of it. And third, many visitors to 'adult websites' are minors.

"In 2008, Morality in Media commissioned Harris Interactive to ask a question about enforcement of federal obscenity laws in a national opinion poll. Three out of four (75%) adults said they would support the next President were he to do all in his constitutional power to ensure that federal obscenity laws are enforced vigorously. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center ('Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987-2007'), 70% of adults disagreed with the statement 'nude pictures and X-rated videos on the Internet provide harmless entertainment for those who enjoy it.'

"But, some will say, 'Mr. Peters is complaining about a program he hasn't even seen.'

"It is true that I haven't seen the program and that it isn't always possible to judge a book by its cover (so to speak). But if the promotional material available on CNBC's website is any indication of what tonight's 'Porn: Business of Pleasure' program is all about, I think I am on safe ground in saying that the purpose is not to expose the dark underbelly of the hardcore 'adult pornography' racket.

"In today's New York Post, TV critic Linda Stasi had this to say about tonight's CNBC Special: 'Think of it this way: If you're a business network with shows that generally feature stock tickers and...CEOS talking product, how great instead to feature gyrating naked babes in rhinestone G-strings doing their best, while at the same time talking all smarty-pants while you're showing smut...'"

One Million in One Month: Internet Ministry Global Media Outreach Reaches Milestone of Over a Million Decisions for Jesus in June

One Million in One Month: Internet Ministry Global Media Outreach Reaches Milestone of Over a Million Decisions for Jesus in June

LOS GATOS, Calif., July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the first time, Global Media Outreach (GMO) saw over 1 million people indicate decisions for Jesus Christ in one month. In June, 1,030,581 people indicated either a first-time decision to follow Jesus or a decision to recommit their life to Christ through one of more than 90 GMO Gospel Web sites.

Whether by mobile phones or computer, millions of people continue to go online to seek God every day. GMO has seen the number of people indicating decisions for Jesus on their Gospel Web sites triple over the last year.

"This is an historic event only possible by God's power," said Walt Wilson, GMO founder and chair. "Over the past few months, we have seen an increasing number of people come to our evangelistic web and mobile sites."

From those decisions, GMO's online missionaries responded to more than 180,000 people who e- mailed the ministry asking for discipleship. One seeker from Nigeria wrote GMO to say: "I like to have a friend that can be of help in my dream of building my faith. I believe in this site and that, by the grace of God, I will not go back to my old sinful life."

GMO is bringing evangelism into the 21st century. This California-based ministry's vision is to give everyone multiple opportunities to know Jesus, build them in their faith and connect them to Christian communities. GMO is using the Web and other emerging technologies to effectively and efficiently convey the love of Christ and plan of salvation across the globe. Since its inception in 2004, GMO has seen the number of people making commitments to Christ grow from 21,066 people annually to more than 3 million people in 2008.

Sotomayor and Abortion: Women Who Have had Abortions to Dress in Black Outside Sotomayor Hearings

Sotomayor and Abortion: Women Who Have had Abortions to Dress in Black Outside Sotomayor Hearings to Grieve their Dead Children and Beg Pro-Life Senators to Filibuster Sotomayor

In addition to women in black, coffins filled with "blood" covered fetal dolls will be present, as well as an audio tape of a newborn crying.

WASHINGTON, July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- To schedule an interview with Missy Smith or Randall Terry, call 406-570-1802.

"These women and others - dressed in black - bring the hidden horror and grief to life. Will pro-life Senators rally like courageous statesmen to defend the unborn, or continue to behave like political pimps who use the babies and the pro-life cause for their own political ends."

Randall Terry

Time of protest: 7:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.

Location: Dirkson Senate Building, Corner of 1st and C St.

Catholic Group Launches 'Traditional Marriage Crusade' in Three States

Catholic Group Launches 'Traditional Marriage Crusade' in Three States

SPRING GROVE, Penn., July 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) has launched a pro-traditional marriage crusade in three states: New York, Maine and Rhode Island.

Starting today, TFP volunteers, divided into three contingents, called Saint Joseph Caravans, will tour major cities rallying support for traditional marriage.

The Catholic group's handout offers "Ten reasons why homosexual 'marriage' is harmful and must be opposed," and calls on Americans to firmly and peacefully oppose the advance of the homosexual movement.

"Like counterfeit currency, homosexual 'marriage' is not true marriage. It is morally wrong, sinful, offensive to God and a violation of natural law," said TFP spokesman John Ritchie. "To claim that marriage can be anything other than the union of one man and one woman is a flat denial of reality," he continued.

This summer, the state of Massachusetts is suing the United States, challenging the constitutionality of part of the Defense of Marriage Act. The challenge caused concern among pro-family advocates who believe the effort is one more step in the process to undermine the traditional family, the basic cell of society, and to destroy the innocence of our children and grandchildren.

"Parents don't want their children in grade school to be told that the homosexual lifestyle is fine, but that's already happening," said Ritchie. "It's part of the homosexual movement's concerted effort to force the sexual revolution into the mainstream culture and banish God and His law from the public square."

Thirty states have constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage and forty one states have laws banning same-sex "marriage."

Visit www.tfp.org for additional information.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Surprises Ahead on Next 'Gospel Dream' Weds. July 15 @ 10PM ET on GMC

More Surprises Ahead on Next 'Gospel Dream' Weds. July 15 @ 10PM ET on GMC

The Guys Hit the Stage This Week, Semi-Finals Next Week

ATLANTA, July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- The next new episode of Gospel Music Channel's ( www.gospelmusicchannel.com) American Idol®- style talent search series Gospel Dream premieres on GMC Weds. July 15 at 10:00 P.M. ET/9:00 CT and will focus on the five remaining male contestants. Last week, the five remaining ladies (now down to three) had an eventful night, loaded with surprises, twists and turns. It's expected that the guys will see more of the same this week.

Highlights of this week's Gospel Dream include: A top artist in the music industry surprises the guys and then helps coach them. Three of the final five men will be sent home....or will they?

The judges deciding the fate of the contestants are: Michelle Williams from the GRAMMY- winning group "Destiny's Child"; one of Gospel music's most prolific talents, J. Moss; and one of the music industry's most respected executives, Mitchell Solarek. Kimberley Locke, the first American Idol® alumnae to debut at #1 on the Billboard charts with a non-Idol single, serves as co-host along with Mike Kasem ("MTV's Top 20 Video Countdown" "American Top 10"). In addition, two major musical artists will serve as surprise coaches during the season. The theme for the Gospel Dream's fourth season: The Greatest Inspirational Songs of All Time.

The remaining eight finalists competing are: Amber Davies, Brownsville, TN (Age 18); Erin Lyder, Boston, MA (24); Jasmine Jackson, Murfreesboro, TN (21); NeVar Massey, Hampton, GA (34); Robert Mauti, Nashville, TN (26); Tim Stylez, Atlanta, GA (27); Tony LeBron, Boca Raton, FL (32); and Travis Lindseth, Kirkland, WA (21).

GMC now gives viewers a chance to catch the previous week's Gospel Dream episode immediately before the new episode premiere:

GMC's New Weds. Night Line-Up 8:00 P.M. Clash of the Choirs
9:00 P.M. Gospel Dream (Encore of Previous Week)
10:00 P.M. Gospel Dream (New Episode Premiere) All Times Eastern

The Gospel Dream series was created by Executive Producer Elvin Ross, who is also the series' executive producer and musical director. Gospel Music Channel is the fastest-growing network in television and can be seen in 45 million homes on various cable systems around the country, on DIRECTV on channel 338 and on Verizon FiOS on channel 224.

'Demographic Bomb' Producer Appalled by Ginsburg's Comments Justifying Abortion for Population Control

'Demographic Bomb' Producer Appalled by Ginsburg's Comments Justifying Abortion for Population Control

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Barry McLerran, producer of the just-released documentary "Demographic Bomb: Demography is Destiny" -- sequel to "Demographic Winter" -- said he was appalled by recent comments of Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that she viewed abortion as a form of population control.

In an interview published in yesterday's New York Times Magazine, Ginsburg said, "I had thought that at the time Roe was decided , there was concern about population growth and particularly the growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."

McLerran commented: "Ginsburg is speaking of the poor here. Her thinking reflects the mindset of the liberal elite, which has long felt that getting rid of people is the easiest solution to pressing problems."

"This raises the ugly specter of the eugenics movement of the early 20th century, which sought to limit the growth of 'undesirable' or the 'unfit,'" Mclerran added.

The "Demographic Winter" producer said it was no coincidence that the population-control movement had long targeted those in poverty and minorities in America and the populations of developing nations, including Africa..

McLerran noted: "It's rare for Planned Parenthood to open abortion clinics in wealthy, white neighborhoods. When was the last time the United Nations Population Division fretted about 'over-population' in Norway or Canada?"

Besides examining the economic consequences of the worldwide decline in birth rates, "The Demographic Bomb" exposes the role of the population-control movement in the coming population bust. The documentary reveals how organizations, institutions, governments and the United Nations manipulated and coerced families, evaded political accountability and violated basic human rights to achieve their agenda.

Said McLerran, "It's the story of how those with Ginsburg's mindset have worked to limit 'the growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of.'"

To learn more about "The Population Bomb: Demography Is Destiny," go to www.demographicwinter.com. To schedule an interview with a spokesman for the documentary, contact Don Feder at 508-405-1337, 508-395-0142 (cell) or defeder@rcn.com

Rosenberg's Documentary Premieres in Live Webcast on September 11

Rosenberg's Documentary Premieres in Live Webcast on September 11

CAROL STREAM, Ill., July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Joel C. Rosenberg's forthcoming documentary "Inside the Revolution" based on his "New York Times" bestselling book by the same name, will premiere worldwide during a "national town hall" webcast on Friday, September 11 from 7:00 to 9:30 PM ET. Filmed before a live audience in Philadelphia, the evening will include a 30-minute exclusive excerpt of Rosenberg's 90- minute documentary and a live discussion with Rosenberg and Lt. General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former deputy undersecretary of defense intelligence and Delta Force founding member, and viewers from around the globe about the threat of radical Islam. Rosenberg and Boykin will explain there are three revolutions currently underway in the Islamic world and how the followers of jihad, Jefferson and Jesus have completely different goals and objectives and why it should matter to every family.

"We are now at the most dangerous moment of the Islamic Revolution," says Rosenberg, "New York Times" bestselling author and founder of the humanitarian aid organization The Joshua Fund. "There are critical issues at stake, and they deserve thoughtful, serious responses. General Boykin's prayer and my own is that pastors in hundreds of churches throughout North America will choose to set aside Friday, September 11 to show the webcast to their congregations as a catalyst for an ongoing conversation on these vital issues."

For no fee, churches can connect to a high resolution broadband webcast. To sign up, churches must register at www.insidetherevolution.org. A preview trailer of the film is currently available. Individuals can access a normal resolution webcast free of charge at the film's website. A rebroadcast will be available for locations in the western time zones.

Tyndale House Publishers will release the full-length, 90-minute "Inside the Revolution" documentary on DVD on September 11.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the executive producer of the film "Inside the Revolution" and author of the non- fiction book "Inside the Revolution," which spent eight weeks on the "New York Times" Nonfiction Best Seller List. He has also written five "New York Times" bestselling novels which have earned a reputation for predicting events in the Middle East. A former political consultant, Rosenberg has worked for Rush Limbaugh, Steve Forbes, Benjamin Netanyahu and Natan Sharansky.

For more information on Joel Rosenberg or to sign up for his "Flash Traffic" e-newsletter, visit www.joelrosenberg.com.

Sotomayor Would Reject Herself for Supreme Court

Sotomayor Would Reject Herself for Supreme Court

"Confirmation conversion" spotlights the contrast between past opinions and opening testimony

WASHINGTON, July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Day one of Judge Sonia Sotomayor's nomination hearing raised eyebrows when her opening statement contrasted with her well- known past opinions.

Sotomayor before the hearings:

Race, gender, and ethnicity "may and will make a difference in our judging."

The "court of appeals is where policy is made."

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Discriminated and ruled against New Haven firefighters in Ricci because of the color of their skin.

Sotomayor's opening statement:

"In the past month, many Senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy. It is simple: fidelity to the law."

"The task of a judge is not to make the law -- it is to apply the law."

"My personal and professional experiences help me listen and understand, with the law always commanding the result in every case."

"Throughout my seventeen years on the bench, I have witnessed the human consequences of my decisions. Those decisions have been made not to serve the interests of any one litigant, but always to serve the larger interest of impartial justice."

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) President Wendy Wright said, "Sotomayor's new 'enlightenment' highlights the radicalism of her previous statements. She suddenly seems to know the proper role of a judge. Yet she purposely violated that responsibility to advance her ideology when the Supreme Court was not in sight."

Mario Diaz, Esq., CWALAC's Policy Director for Legal Issues, said, "Judge Sotomayor knew then, and recognizes now, what we have said all along, that a judge is to follow the law regardless of race and gender. Her opening statement at the hearings not only condemned her own record, it made all those senators we heard defending these unconstitutional statements look foolish.

"If Judge Sotomayor was to follow her new-found wisdom, she could not even support herself based on her record."

Thomas More Society Claims Victory for Illinois Parents

Thomas More Society Claims Victory for Illinois Parents

7th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Illinois Parental Notice Act

CHICAGO, July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit dissolved the federal injunction against the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act. As a direct result of the court's decision (Zbaraz v. Hartigan), Illinois parents will be entitled, for the first time since Roe v. Wade was decided, to notification before their minor daughters are taken for abortions. The decision is the culmination of four years work by the Thomas More Society, particularly TMS Special Counsel Paul Linton, who devised the legal strategy which ultimately led to the lifting of the injunction.

"This is an incredible victory for Illinois parents and their children," said Peter Breen, Executive Director and Legal Counsel of the Thomas More Society. "Parental involvement laws enjoy overwhelming public support. These laws promote the integrity of the family and ensure that parents are consulted so that their children are not forced into an abortion decision. A wealth of social science data indicates that parental involvement laws lead to lower pregnancy rates, out-of-wedlock births and abortions."

The Parental Notice Act has been in legal limbo for more than ten years because of the Illinois Supreme Court's refusal to issue the rules necessary to make the Act effective. Since the passage of the Act in 1995, over 50,000 Illinois minors have obtained abortions, more than 4,000 of whom were 14 years old or younger, without any requirement to notify their parents beforehand.

Following Linton's legal strategy, representatives of pro-life organizations met with DuPage County State's Attorney Joseph Birkett in the spring of 2005 to ask him to petition the Illinois Supreme Court to adopt the rules required by the 1995 Act. Birkett agreed and filed his petition in June 2006. On September 7, 2006, the Thomas More Society, representing a range of interested organizations, filed a supplemental petition with the state supreme court. Less than two weeks later, the Illinois Supreme Court, under the leadership of Chief Justice Bob Thomas, unanimously adopted Supreme Court Rule 303A.

After various delays, Attorney General Lisa Madigan returned to federal court in March 2007 and petitioned Judge David Coar to lift the permanent injunction which had been issued eleven years earlier. After Judge Coar denied the petition, the Thomas More Society intervened in the case on behalf of State's Attorneys Stu Umholtz (Republican, Tazewell County) and Ed Deters (Democrat, Effingham County) to press an appeal against the injunction.

About the Thomas More Society
The Thomas More Society Pro-Life Law Center is a public interest law firm in Chicago that counsels and defends those who work to protect innocent human life, defends those who proclaim faith-based values in our nation's public square, and strives to protect the institution of marriage as a union of man and woman formed to beget, bear and nurture new human lives. For more information, please visit: www.thomasmoresociety.org.


New Innovative Leadership Resource Network Launches Online

New Innovative Leadership Resource Network Launches Online

WASHINGTON, July 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Christian Post Company announced today the launch of the newest addition to its web network, The Shepherd Post.

The Shepherd Post Web site was created to bring together the widest selection of blogging pastors and ministers to share their ministry experiences with each other and the rising generations of believers and Christian leaders.

Visitors to The Shepherd Post are able to use the flexible, innovative and user-friendly platform to view articles from the pastors and ministry leaders to learn from their successes and mistakes, thus saving time and resources.

Pastors and ministry leaders who freely sign up, meanwhile, will be able to create their own easily customizable blog as well as purchase their own domain to make the blog a customized extension of their ministry. The Shepherd Post also provides a way for blogging ministry leaders to earn money for themselves or their ministries.

"Today we're living in a time where society is speeding up and forcing us to adapt to changes much more quickly than we're used to. This in turn is having a big effect on the Church," said Joseph La Fleur, Chief Executive Officer of The Christian Post Company. "The Shepherd Post is great in that it brings the greatest minds in the Church all to one place to share their thoughts on our changing world."

Currently, The Shepherd Post features articles written by Christian leaders such as Greg Atkinson, Kent Shaffer and H.L. Hussmann. Other leaders like Dr. Ralph D. Winter are soon to be added.

Those who sign up to blog will find that they can deliver their message to a wider audience.

"Posting content on the web is the easy part, getting people to read it is the challenge," La Fleur said. "We decided to bring everything together to one place because it increases the chances of important information being found by the people that need it most."

The Shepherd Post has been in development since November of 2008. A beta version was shortly launched in February 2009 to good reviews.